Help me decide - i teach a small group of 3 yr olds

After having taught two of my children to read by 3 and the third by 4 yrs of age, and seeing how well they did with school and just simply seeing firsthand how much a young child CAN learn when giving the opportunity…it is killing me to simply do fun themes and show them a letter a week as most preschool curriculums suggest. I am a researcher by nature and I’ve done a lot of studying and I AM going to change/supplement my traditional curriclum next year. I could always do what I did for my children, but there is SO much more available on the market now (and I WOULD NOT have to make everything myself!).

what program do you suggest for a 2 1/2-3 year old who hasn’t really learned much yet?


I think that would depend on your facilities - you could show Little Reader if you had a big enough screen (you may need permission if it is a school though), YBCR could also work. What exactly do you want to teach - reading? math? a combination? encyclopediac knowledge? anything else? Personally I believe with little effort you can add any of these into an already set up preschool curriculum.

I would probably start with LR if you have the flexibility to do so (is this a home daycare environment or school environment?) because it is the most versitile and requires the least amount of screen time if administration/parents object to that sort of thing.

And yes, what subjects are you looking to teach? Are you considering adding foreign language? Most parents would love that.

Only have a moment, and not much time for suggestions…I just want to say loudly “Yay for you, Rexann! For daring to take your class to a whole new level!” I’m thrilled that you will have the chance to challenge the little ones (and not loose your own mind out of boredom! lol )


That’s really challenging. Children have a very short attention span. So, I guess you have a great patience for it. I suggest you play English songs at home, watch English movies and read English books with them. It’s more exciting to have more time while teaching them. You can also install E-books or Encyclopedia on your computer.

You’re their GREAT TEACHER!!!

GOODLUCK… :happy:

2 to 3age is a correct age to learn… child r also eager to lean at this age…wht ever it is teach him practically…start from the colour 1st.and then asual alphabets and rhymes.and plz dont go with cds now…no tv plz…let him learn with our surroundings.

What I think would be best to start with are the Tweedlewink lessons with physical flashcards and activities. That is what I want to do with my toddlers in class. Plus Doman physical development activities. Play wisely classes are also great to add to your cirriculum.

Let us know what you decided to do.