Help!!! Change the color of music notes

Hello all,

Could you instruct me how to change the color of music notes in SOLFEGE section?

For example: Color of DO now is Red, MI- Yellow, So- Blue.

My kids now are familiar with these notes because of the colors. So I would want to change the color to help them to remember the position of these notes, not the color.

Please help me.


I am not sure if you can change it in the lessons or not. (Maybe someone else could help you out there). But if you just want to show the solfege without the colors, go to the play &edit button. Under the “music notes” tab, is a solfege folder. All of the solfege can be shown in “non-rainbow”. You can also play chord recognition, scales, and children’s songs in “non-rainbow”. Since my 12 month old really enjoys LMs, she never complains if I show an extra category or two after the main lesson is done. I typically go to the play&edit button after each lesson, and show at least one more thing anyway, so if I was ready for her to learn the solfege without the colors, that is probably what I would do. Unless, of course, someone else knows a way to change the setting for the whole course!

Hello Caybang and CVMomma,

Sorry, I had not seen this thread before - I actually replied to a support ticket Caybang sent to our support website and had given this same answer: :blush:

There isn’t a setting where you can easily just change the colors of the notes. We only have a setting to change between using a Fixed Do and a Movable Do, but unfortunately we don’t have a function which enables you to change the color scheme for each note.

CVMomma’s suggestion on changing the settings to ‘non-rainbow’ for solfege might be useful though, so please do explore using that setting. :slight_smile: