
Hello from Bulgaria, I am a mother of mariya 2.5 g girl who still will not talk. sayalyavam that only now discovered this wonderful program. good luck to all

Hello and welcome to BrillKids :slight_smile:

So glad you found us here. Have you had a chance to download the free trial? If not you can find it at this link

I am sure your daughter will be talking up a storm in no time at all. lol
By chance is she being exposed to more than one language? This sometimes creates a speech delay. My friend’s daughter is also 2 and not talking. Her doctor has ruled out any hearing problems and has referred them to a speech therapist. If you have an iPad or iPhone you can look into some speech therapy apps.

Welcome!!! You will be very happy here. Enjoy your teaching!!!

thank you, do you think Little Raeder could slow because not answered is balgarski …

You can manually override the lessons preset settings and turn the auto forward option off. You can then move to the next slide when you are ready by pressing the mouse button. Please refer to te link blew for further details.


I hope this answers your question…please let us know :slight_smile:

Thanks, did not do well but now the first to raise money for the purchase of Little rider then you think. unless you manage to write. A trial period only once a mine to use?