
Hi, I have been lurking around this board for a few months and have learned sooo much. I am a homeschool mom of four children they are ages 12,11,5, and 23 months. My youngest ds has down syndrome and I started YBCR program with her and she loved it. The early reading program has help with her speech so much it is amazing. All of her therapist ask me, “did you have her tested for down syndrome because she is talking so much and her cognition is very high?”. I alway tell them about the early reading and how I think it has really helped her. We did the trial Little Reader and my ds loved it so I want to be able to continue with this program, I just have to save a little to get it.


Hello and welcome :biggrin: I have four kiddos too ( all girls by the way) ages 13,11,7 and 4. My youngest was born with VACTERL Association ( www.vacterlnetwork.org ). I homeschooled for 8yrs up until this year. My girls wanted to give school a try, and they did. Will go back to homeschooling in the fall. My 4yr old is very advanced and sadly her teacher continues to hold her back with her reading. Don’t feel like spending money for my kids to be bored anymore.

Anyways , great to hear how well your daughter is doing. Its amazing how kids with special needs adapt so well and they just have this hidden gift of surprising everyone around them.