
Hi everyone this is Cindy here. Chanced upon this web when I was searching for resources to teach pupils in school :tongue2: I am currently a school teacher.

Anyway I have a gal and a boy age 3.5 yrs and 2.5 yrs. I dont know if this is suitable for them but will be trying out the flashcards for them. Have heard about the powerful tool of flashcards but hasnt the time to make them :clown: so really glad that this web has all the free download. Hope there are some parents with preschoolers who can share more :wub:


Hi and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here. Don’t worry, you’re kids are at great ages to show flash cards and Little Reader. They will probably amaze you at how quickly they learn. There are other parents here with kids the same ages, so hopefully you can compare notes! lol
Please let us know if you have any questions.
I hope to see you around!