Hello to All Parents!

Hello everyone!

I am a young mother from the Philippines, with a 1-year old son named Diego. Diego is an active little boy, and he is beginning to be quite a handful - having learned to crawl and currently learning to take his first few steps.

I am very happy to have found this forum about teaching babies - I have been interested in teaching my 1 year old through DVDs and flash cards, and have been searching for alternative means with which to keep my boy engrossed. (We all know that we have to keep on changing our routine every once in a while! :happy: )

It’s very rewarding to know that there are so many other mothers and fathers out here who are willing to share their experience. Hopefully I can do the same, once I play around with Little Reader.

Thanks for reading!

Welcome, GPJC! Hope you have a great time here and that you’ll learn a lot from all the very helpful members we have here!

Hi GPJC! We’re glad to have you here!

It looks like we are getting more and more people from the Philippines, and we are happy that you have made the first post in our Tagalog thread in the Foreign Language Boards. :happy: We are thankful to you for welcoming everyone who speaks your native language, and hopefully we can read more about your experience teaching little Diego.

If you require any assistance with learning the ins and outs of Little Reader and our Forums, please don’t hesitate to let us know. :slight_smile: We will be more than happy to lend a hand.


Lappy :biggrin:

Hi and welcome to the forums! We are glad you are here.
We hope to hear more about your experiences with Diego. We can all learn a lot from eachother. Please let us know if we can help with anything.
I hope to see you around!