Hello! Privet! Namaste!


My name is Irina and I am new to this community, even though I was checking out this web site since I was pregnant. I am a first time mom so being a great parent is very important to me.

I definitely want my LO to speak Russian (my first language), Hindi and maybe Telegu (my husband’s languages), and of course English which we speak at home. It would be also great if I could teach my kiddo Moldavian (same as Romanian) as I am from Moldova and Bengali since my father is from Bangladesh. I have a feeling that this is too uch so I narrowed it down to at least Russian, Hindi, and English.

From what I have read on forum, the Russian curriculum of LR is coming soon… I just hope it will happen sometime this year. I am also planning to create my own Hindi files (with the help of DH of course). Also, math is very important to me and it would be great if LO could play at least one instrument, though I wouldn’t force anything against the will.

I have been waiting for this 10% discount that BK have right now which I am combining with another 10% off that I found in the russian section of the forum so overall this is a great deal and I am excited to finally start LR… My LO is only two months so I might have to wait a little longer, since I am not sure when is the best time to start.

Hi Shutka,

Welcome to BrillKids :slight_smile:
The recommended age to begin these programs is 4 months. But it is completely up to you to decide when the time is right. Have you downloaded the infant stimulation cards yet? If not you can find the PDFs here

I am also having my parents teach my son Hindi but have not created any files for it yet. Maybe we can collaborate on that and get twice as many done. :slight_smile:

We look forward to hearing about your early learning journey.


Thanks for your recommendations. I will definitely check out those flashcards. I have seen them before but wasn’t sure how important/useful they will be. What I like about this site is that it helps to stay motivated to do different things.

My mother in law will be come visit in about 6 months so it will be good for the LO to learn Hindi but of course even before that I am planning on doing some files too :slight_smile: It would be great to work together :smiley:
What are you doing for your LO in terms of LR besides English? Are you using it for Hindi/other languages?

We are also using LR and LM to teach Chinese, science concepts, encyclopedic knowledge, poetry, manners, Spanish…etc. there are a couple Hindi files with audio :slight_smile: I have created some files to teach him the concepts and terminology that goes with my father’s company. Also some short stories about his adventures he loves seeing pics of himself and friends.

I will work on my end to see how I can import the Hindi characters into the LR files.

Great! I am new to LR and LM but when I get onto the grove, will definitely contribute :smiley: