Hello other enthusiastic moms!

My daughter is 8mos born in January, is 1 month preemie. We live in CA, and I’m excited to get her learning. So far we’re doing baby sign language, she knows her “milk” sign.

Good Day to Everyone.

Hi and welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here. Please browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you, and please let us know if you need any help. We hope to hear from you soon!

By the way, “milk” was the first sign my son learned, and it is his favorite! lol

Hi all parents,

Sometimes I feel frustrated too when I showed my baby (now 19-month) he just didn’t sit still, or just very easily distracted by other thing!! I am not sure whether he absorbs anything, I tried to enjoy it. So, sometimes when I am not feeling too good myself, I would rather not showing her because I would like both of us enjoy!

Hi Dasia! Welcome! :smiley:

Sounds like you have a bright little girl on your hands. :slight_smile: Enjoy the forum. I have had so much fun learning so many new things.

If you don’t mind me asking, what part of CA are you in? We used to live in LA. We are now in Colorado.

oy! so sorry for the extreme delay :biggrin: We live in the SF bay area. In the east bay to be exact. Southern Cal to colorado? What a difference! Do you and your family like it much better? It must be beautiful there.

We live in a little town, and it is nice as it doesn’t have the crime that LA had. Our part of town is actually considered high prairie (or should I say dry prairie), but we can see the mountains and can drive to lush green areas. :wink: Skiing/snowboarding is only a couple of hours away, so that is nice, too. And we can get a lot more house for the same amount of money here. We’ve only been here 2 years, but have found it to be a nice place to raise a family. :slight_smile:

I’ve visited the SF bay area a couple of times and liked it a lot! Of course, we were typical tourists. 8)

A belated welcome to you and words of encouragement.

My son was a 6-week preemie who spent two full weeks in NICU with breathing problems, A’s and B’s, Brady’s, and all sorts of other terrible stuff that made me worry.

However, he is 2 years old and about a half year advanced for his age in some areas…more advanced than I am in others lol

Prematurity is difficult, but not crippling!