Hello.... Nice to meet you all....

Hello… I’m a mother to a sweet little girl name Syafiqah Akasyah. We call her P-KAH. She’s 9 months. Now she try to stand up by herself. She’s active girl. Never afraid to do some thing new and also never give up, but easily get bored.

Actually, I am very interested to Kids Development. To know their potencial through their habit and interest. I am actually try to identify her potencial. I came across Little reader while searching the web. I download it and run the application to show to her, and guess what… She love it lol. I’m so happy. I hope she can get more new thing in Little Reader cause she easily get bored.

Hi and welcome to the forums! We are so glad that you found us!

It’s great that your daughter likes Little Reader. My son is 8 months old, and he loves it too! The great thing about Little Reader is that you can customize it in endless ways to make it new and exciting every time she views it. And we’re always adding new categories that you can download.

I hope you look around the forums and join the discussions. We can all learn so much from eachother!


Welcome, Akasyah! glad your daughter is liking Little Reader!

See you around the Forum!