Hello - just started YBCR program

Great forum. I started to use the YBCR program about 1 month ago. My daughter just turned 2 yesterday. She is a bit stubborn and is unwilling to watch the video. She has been using the sliding word cards daily and is able to identify 3 words consistently, and 2 others sporadically. I just took out the next set of cards, video, and book today. Again she hates the video. Actually she cried and begged me to turn it off, so of course I did. Unfortunately she is addicted to Blue’s Clues Videos. I know Dr Titzer says that I shouldn’t let her watch TV, but she is already a TV addict. I am trying to cut back on the TV time but so far it is a painful process.

In addition to my daughter, I have a 6 yr old son dx’d with a “specific learning disability” which is fancy for the Child Study Team can’t exactly pinpoint the problem. He has lots of problems learning in many different areas - memory, processing info, visual recall, word recall, etc. He is having to work very hard to try to catch up with his kindergarten peers. Fortunately he is very well behaved and cooperative. He does extra school work at home, went to a learning camp last summer, and will go to summer school from June thru August. I keep telling myself that adversity builds character and he is learning perseverance, self discipline, empathy, etc. Still I worry about his self esteem. His struggles have made me very interested in the learning process. Now with my daughter, I’m trying to do whatever I can to prevent her from experiencing the same learning problems.

I look forward to learning from everyone here. I read some of the threads and I am in awe.


Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in.