Hello, I'm new here and very excited to start teaching my 16 month old son

Hello everybody
I am new to this forum and I have only just started to teach my 16 month old son to read with LR (lesson 2) . I wanted to teach him in Spanish first as it’s my mother tongue and I speak only Spanish to him, but I have to translate the curriculum first, unless somebody already has done that and want to help me out? My husband speaks Persian to him and my baby goes to nursery 3 half days a week, so he is exposed to some English. Me and my husband speak Swedish with each other, but nobody speaks Swedish to my ds. I hope we are not confusing the little man!
I also wanted to teach him the English curriculum, and math, but I’m not sure how I will mange to squeeze all that into a day?

Looking forward to learning from all of you experienced parents out there.
Kind regards,
Liesel :happy:

Hi Liesel, welcome to the forum. WOW lucky boy! he has so many languages to choose from. Dont be concerned about confusing him, you are doing a great job so far! Having one parent speak one language each is a great system. Multiligual children sometimes mix up words from each language as they start to speak but they soon figure it out. For now continue as you are. You son is also learning to understand sweedish but is unlikely to start speaking it unless at some point you start using it to talk with him. No rush though! wait until he has a good basis in the other 2/3 languages.
So for the LR in spanish, there are a number (a pretty good number) of spanish files in the share file section that you can download into little reader. All ready to use. The curriculum hasnt been converted entirely into spanish (yet) and its quite a bit of work to do that but certainly not impossible…Also feel free to create new files using the words and pictures as guidelines. If you are interested in doing this I can post you some links to learn how. (trail and error worked better for me! lol ) Do check out the share files section first. its in the little reader library tab above.
If you want to make life easier on your self, you could just teach him to read using the english version. my thinking being if you can read english you can read spanish with very little extra training…its only a couple of different sounds…(says the woman who is only learning spanish :wink: ) And since he will be able to speak and understand spanish it could just work. Just an idea.
If you want to find other spanish speaking members for advice post a topic with “spanish language question” or something like that, in the title.

Thank you Mandabplus3 for the tips, really appreciate it :smiley:
Yes I thought abut teaching him to read only in English, my fear is that he will then go on to read only in English and not speak Spanish as much, as I know quite a few kids from bilingual parents that understand the other language but choose to answer in English…My own brother was born in Sweden and speaks Spanish very well but prefers to speak in Swedish unless we really insist on Spanish, as he expresses himself much better in Swedish. It’s hard to give them a good level of proficiency in the “second” language (the language no spoken at school)
I have seen the Spanish files and downloaded them, but as part of the beauty of LR is the ease of having a curriculum that keeps track of how many times you show the word etc, I was hoping somebody would have done all that job already, but if not, I will start to translate the currriculum. Yikes! :wacko:
Many thanks again :smiley:

Hi, what a coincidence. My son is also 16M and i just started too!

I wouldn’t be too worried about him not speaking Spanish. Purely because you are AWARE it is a potential problem you will automatically make adjustments to ensure he speaks in Spanish. You can also use other resources to teach Spanish, reading and speaking. There seem to be plenty of spanish resourses around. Of course the ideal would be to teach Spanish first, for reading, but if you don’t think you can manage it then learning to read in English is much better than nothing :smiley:
it is more likely he will not actually speak a word of sweedish than anything else. As you don’t use it directly with him. You have plenty of years ahead of you.