Hello...I am Chanel

Hello everyone…Chanel here from Malaysia. It was great to know this webpage that given me a lot of idea about early learning. I was just started browsing brillkids these few days …
I have one 15months old baby boy. Not sure will it be too late for me to start teaching him flash card? Anyway, I have downloaded most of the flash card offered here and started showing him, he seems to be very interested with animal flash card lol lol lol

Hi and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here!
It is never too late to show flash cards! Your son is sure to benefit from them.
I hope to see you around in the forums. We would love to hear more about your experiences as a parent.
Please let us know if we can help with anything.

Hi Chanel!

We’re happy to have you with us here in the forums - and we’re very happy to know that your little one is enjoying flash card time with you… Animals are indeed a great category to start with! (Especially if there are sound effects!) lol

I’m sure that you’ll find that there’s a lot to learn from all the parents, experts and teachers here - and everyone’s very friendly, so in case you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask any of us for help!

I hope to read more about your experience as a mom in the forums!

