Hello from Vietnam!

Hi everybody. It’s great interesting to know about this site and become a member. I will be the father in next 2 months. I’ve had chance to read THE EDUCATION OF KARL WITTE, which brings me to this site while searching information for my child.

Best wishes for parents & childs of BRILLKIDS family. Thanks a lot for your support always.

Welcome to Forums, duyhoa83! We glad to have you here.

Welcome duyhoa83!

Congratulations for the baby that’s coming, such exciting and wonderful times ahead for you and your wife.

Good luck :slight_smile:

You in the right place!
Brillkids forum is an amazing resource!
You might want to check out BrillBaby section as well:

This site is really significant for community. A great contribution. I am studying for a start and little afraid that time is not enough to have good knowledge about early education before my son coming. Could any parents here recommend the schedule that you are applying for your infant? That could lead me to go in right way… Thanks a lot for your sharing.

Hello duyhoa83

Welcome to the forum, Im kinda new on here too but its such a freindly place you will meet lots of people in no time!

lol lol lol