Hello from US. Im also a Russian native.

Hello everyone!
I’m super excited to be part of this group. We started around 4 months some Early Education.My 14 months old son is learning LR LM and LM all at once for a month now. He seems to like and engage more and more every day.
At home we speak English and Russian and I want to teach him French and Spanish also (I just started to learn French myself to be on top of the game).
I would like to have your advice on how soon after each other should I introduce languages?
I can not wait for Russian curriculum to be ready.

By the way I live in Oklahoma and also would like to find some people in my area.
Thank you!

So nice to have you join our Forum!

There are a lot of international parents here and it works a bit different in every situation how to introduce the languages.

With us we introduced English, Russian, Spanish and Chinese from the very beginning but to different extents. Now we are planning to go a bit deeper with Chinese and Spanish ( which they heard all along but we were not doing many activities with those languages).

Many parents use One Parent - One Language approach, or do certain language on a certain day, etc. You can do search on teaching babies multiple languages and you will be able to see lots of neat and interesting ideas.