Hello from th UK

Im zozo and became a mum 7 weeks ago! Yasmin Patchouli Fae was born 28/11/11 a week ealry. We had a rough time at the beginning as we were both poorly and Yas was small and had to be in an incubator. She was tired and low blood sugars made her weak :frowning: anyways even though she was poorly she was alert as much as she could be and now…OMG you should see her! at 4 weeks she was smiling ( wasnt wind as her eyes were open) and she was a proper little bobble head! now at 7weeks shes alert and focussing really well, laughing and giggling, trying to sit up, sleeping and eating well. Want to get her started early as i think she’s going to ROCK this world!!! Have printed out the flash cards and going to start her on them ASAP.
Hope this post finds everyone and their loved ones healthy and happy!

Congratulations Zozo and Welcome to the world, Yasmin!

We are in the UK too, Derbyshire. I have two sons aged three and 7 months.

You are going to love this forum! x