Hello...from OH

I’ve been researching and using the apps on the ipad. I have a 13 month old with Down syndrome. I’m anxious to get started but haven’t quite figured out how yet.

Hello & Welcome!

You can use the Ipad apps but it’s a limited version of the program. For the full program, you can download a trial version by clicking here: http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/ You can also download the free teaching ebooks here: http://www.brillbaby.com/ by scrolling nearly all the way to the bottom. Lastly, visit the grey FOUNDATION tab above to explore potential sponsorship opportunities for parents of children with special needs.

Best of luck!

Hi lovemy3. I have an 18 month old Down Syndrome child and am looking into starting with this program as well. Do you have any other children?

I have a , who is “boycotting” learning to read because he “knows” everything already and an 8 yr old who is in 2nd grade.

Thanks for replying.
I have a 4 year also. She actually has been asking me to teach her to read…so I have been wondering if I should do something like this to start her…or start on a phonics program. I do often hear, “I know, I know” from her too, but not to a “boycotting” level :). I have an 8 year old in 2nd grade too! Our kids are all so close in age and our youngest with DS. I do also have a 10 year old. I think I will start doing some of the flashcard words with my 18 month DS girl. I have been doing some sign language with her and it is so cute to watch her sign things.
I would love to hear any results or progress you have if you start with any of this type of reading with your children.
Take care.