Hello from Melbourne, Australia

Hello everyone,

I am a new member just registered.I am a first time mummy to a 4 months old. I am so excited to start teaching bub to read.

Hope to learn and share tips and resources.

So glad you found the forum, a warm welcome to you and your little one!

Welcome from another fellow Aussie,

I’m in Adelaide. It is the most exciting journey you will ever take with your child.

Kimba Here to answer any questions you might have.

Hello and welcome. I am new here and from Australia too. I am a bit late to the party as daughter is 17months and I have only just discovered EL

Welcome yancy and jayta.

I’m also new here and I’m from Brazil. I’m impressed that there is a lot of people from Australia here. I think that in your Country education has higher standards.

Welcome :slight_smile:
Yes the standards are probably a little higher in most areas of Australia but we still have a long way to go to catch up with the Asian educational systems.
We also have a really long way to go compared with what is actually possible! lol but it is a pretty awesome place to live! :yes:

Welcome to the forum!