Hello from Heidi of HeidiSongs!

Hi, Everybody!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday so far! My name is Heidi, and I am the Heidi of www.heidisongs.com. I teach Kindergarten, and my hobby is creating fun ways to deliver the curriculum! I was referred here by someone who is already a member, and said that I should get involved with this group!

I regularly post a bunch of free stuff on my blog, and this week is no exception. This week it has:

  1. A free download of with directions for some fun holiday projects, including a Santa, elf, and a reindeer. They make a GREAT bulletin board!
  2. A free download of some Christmas tree themed counting sheets that help kids count out quantities from 1-30.
  3. Information on the upcoming California Kindergarten Conference in Santa Clara, CA in January.
  4. Info on one of my favorite holiday projects that helps kids learn their teen numbers: The Christmas Countdown 20-10 Book! This is a “singable book” that the kids make themselves.
  5. Info on putting on a holiday show with my musical plays “The Gingerbread Man” or “The Mitten” that I love to put on at this time of year!
    Happy Holidays!

Welcome to the forum! It looks like you have some great stuff on your blog. I’ll be sure to check it out!

Hi Heidi,

I am currently teaching my daughter to spell and I really like your Sing and Spell DVDs as well as the downloadable Sight Word Puzzles! I wish I had seen them before I bought some commercial spelling puzzles for her. I just might go ahead and get your entire 5-DVD set with the puzzles!

Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Thanks, everybody! I’m so glad to have found this forum! I can’t wait to learn about all of the new things that Brill Kids has to offer here.

Hi Heidi!
I’m so glad you decided to stop by brillkids! I can’t say enough good things about your DVDs and CDs. They are a hit with all my daycare children ranging from 18months to 5.5 years old.

Gosh, that’s so nice to hear! Thanks so much, everyone!!!
I’m so glad I found this forum! I hope I can find more time to browse during my winter break.