Hello from Canada

Hi all,
We’re from Canada, my daughter is 11 months old, and we just finished the free trial of LM and LR. My daughter loved LM from the first lesson, but wasn’t as enthused by LR until the fourth day when I realized she was already expanding her vocabulary and doing the actions to the words. I was amazed, and very excited that I’ve found this site.

Any other Canadians here?

I also write a blog that details the challenges families face when a child has multiple birth defects: www.thegoodthebadandthebaby.ca


Hi Jen. I am Elle and I am also from Canada.
I am from Caledon, ON. I am a Brillkids veteran. lol I’ve been using it since my son was a little over a year old. He is almost 6 and going to Grade 1 this September.

I’m from SK. I’ll head over and check out your blog, Jen.


Hi! Your blog looks good, I will check it out. I am new here too and my child faces some special challenges too. Welcome!

Hi Everyone,

I am from Ontario. I have 12 months old twins, finished the LR, LM and LMusician trial and seeing how the twins liked them all, bought them recently. One challenge - how to hold the twins still while playing the lessons for them. Sometimes it seems they are more interested in touching and playing my laptop than the lessons. Any insight please?


Have you considered connecting your laptop/computer to the T.V.? That way the lessons from LR/LM are bigger, easier to see, and the distractions from the computer can be put away.

Have you considered showing them the lessons while they are eating? That way there hands are busy with food and might be less likely to touch the computer?

Or do both of those ideas together, lessons on big T.V. while eating?

Or give them toys while doing lessons? I use to give my son Math manipulatives while doing LM and some basic instruments (drum, tambourine, recorder) while wathcing LMs. The toys somewhat distracted him from the mouse.

Another idea would be to use the Ipad and put the lessons on a device that is designed for interaction? That way they can interact more with the lessons?

Just keep trying, if one idea doesn’t work, try another, eventually they will understand or outgrow the phase or learn to read :slight_smile:

Welcome friend!

Thanks much. I have been showing them one session while they are in their high chairs for breakfast, sometimes they get tired / distracted. Will try the TV idea shortly.


Hi all to all from Canada. Im from here as well, from Regina, SK. This is my first post and am very excited to teach my 4 month old daugther. :slight_smile: Ive been letting her watch nursery rhymes for the past three weeks and I didn’t know theres much better approach to teach her until I saw a video from youtube of brill baby who can read at 14 months. I am amazed. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Being so excited I dont know where to start. lol :slight_smile:

Michandbaby welcome to the Forum. You are in the right place in the right time :wink: Your baby is still 4 months old (you can start teaching her today!!!) and you can find all the information you need about early learning for babies.

Try to start reading brillbaby website http://www.brillbaby.com/early-learning/start-here.php
Then, you can search in the older posts or ask directly here in the Forum.

Happy early learning!

Welcome Michandbaby! You’re definitely in the right place to learn about early learning :slight_smile:
Feel free to ask any questions that you may have. Everyone here is very friendly and always eager to help. 4 months is a great time to start!
One of the activities my husband and I really enjoyed with my daughter at that age (and still do!) is going for nature walks. We would point things out to her and show her the flowers, trees, grass, butterflies, etc. She really enjoyed it, and I know she was taking everything in. Another thing you can do is start showing her a few signs. Many of us have successfully taught our babies sign language which is extremely helpful. It teaches them how to communicate with us before they are actually able to speak.
Milk, up, mommy, and daddy are a few good first signs. In addition, there’s Little Reader and YBCR that many people here have had success with as well.