Hello from a Spanish mom!


My name is Eva and I am new here. I am originally from Spain although we’ve been living abroad for a while.

I had been trying Doman flashcards for a while but my LO didn’t seem too interested in them, so when I found out about Brillkids’ new prices I just had to get ourselves Little Reader and Little Musician. So far so good (it’s been just a couple of days but she doesn’t seem bored. She used to run away as soon as I showed her the flashcards).

I have a question for all of you too: where is the “Search the forums” tool? I have been trying to find it for a while. No success…

Hello and welcome Eva! I am also from Spain, I am teaching my twins (2y9m) with LR, LMus and many other resources.
Forum search tool is at the lower end of the page, it is writen in very small font.
Please keep us informed about your EL journey with your LO!

Hi and welcome! My family is Spanish, and we live in the US. How old is your LO? I tried the Doman flash cards and although she liked them, LR and LM definitely make it easier! I haven’t purchased them yet but will be doing that soon. Do you use LR in Spanish, English, or both? I’ve been doing the trial version in Spanish only. I’m also getting ready to purchase Kidstart Spanish or possibly YBCR Spanish as well.

Welcome to the forum, Eva!

Aside from what NPLight mentioned, you can find the “Search” link simply from the gray navigation bar at the top of the forum page (it’s just next to the Facebook icon). Here’s a screenshot for your reference: http://prntscr.com/3ro3sh

Have an amazing day! :yes:

Hello to all and thanks! As you answered in English I will too.

I have an 18 month old, we started with Doman flash cards two months ago (or maybe more, time really flies). She seemed to remember the words but only for one or two days and apart from that she found them terribly boring most of the times, despite my attempts to make the whole thing fun.

ELEducation: I got LR in Spanish because I really liked that they used an accent from Spain. We have YBCR in English, but I think the episodes are a bit too long and she loses interest quickly, so we are not using it much. The one we liked too is Wink to Learn, it has Doman-style 5 min lessons.

Thanks to NPLight and Kezia for your help with the search tool - Now that I know where it is I have no idea how I managed not to find it!!

Someone else on the forum also suggested Wink to Learn. It sounds like it is a good one. I agree that the YBCR episodes are a bit too long. When I showed her YBCR English we usually broke it up into two shorter sessions.