Hello from a Russian mommy! :)

Hi, everyone!
Happy to find this website to share my ideas with the same dedicated parents )))
I’m a future-to-be Russian mom of a sweet Chinese baby, who is going to come to us quite soon next month. I’m married to a Chinese man and our language of communication is English. So, I have a formidable task ahead - to teach the baby understand and talk the Russian, Chinese and English languages as his mother tongues… (ohoho, seems to be quite much for the beginning, isn’t it?))))) Beside that, would like my baby to grow smart, bright and intelligent, just the same as what all of parents on this forum do…
Now on my 8th month of pregnancy I’m not wasting the time but investigating as much as possible info about the early learning of babies and have reached an intermediate level in its theory )))
Well, would be happy to share the information (although only theoretical by this moment )))) and get any suggestions from others.
Thanks a lot!

Hi and welcome to the forum! Have you visited our sister site, parentweb? It has a free baby tracker and lots of great info for new moms. Here is a link to the forum http://forum.parentweb.com/

There are a few Russian moms around (myself included), most have bi or trilingual families :slight_smile: Will be happy for your input, do check out the Russian board too :wink:

Hi there, we have a one year old at home who is getting Russian from his nanny and from me (his mom).

We like the russian language categories you can import into Little Reader…

I think our boy definitely understands some russian already, although it seems english is becoming his primary language.

Do you live in Russian, China or the U.S.A?


Thanks for warm welcome! Surely, will check it out asap )))

Wow, that’s really cool! Happy to find Russian ppl here, let’s stay in contact then and work it out :wink:

Well, I’d say, Russian is one of the toughest languages to learn alongside with Mandarin or Arabic… And the point is in its pronunciation and grammatical structure, so, it’s really cool that your boy can hear pure Russian language since his early age. At least, he’ll catch the point of the language )))
Contact me if you have any questions, I’ll be really happy to help you out ))