Hello Friends...Iam a New member with twin babies....

Dear All,

Am a new member to this forum , really excited to see so many like minded people around the globe…
Can somebody tell me how to manage to teach the twin babies - 4 months old (Methods like GD , LR etc) …I have just started to prepare the flash cards …really confused how to start with …would be glad to get good ideas from fellow pals in the forum…

Thanks a lot…


Hi and welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here! Please browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you, and please let us know if you need any help. We hope to hear more from you soon!

p.s. there are several other mother’s on the forums who have twins. Maybe they will chime in and let you know how they manage it. In the meantime, check this out http://www.brillbaby.com/teach-baby/survival-kit.php

welcome to the forum. we are glad to have you here. feel free to browse the forum and share ur ideas with our members.


Hey… :nowink:

Welcome to the borad…here you will find all the topics to upbring your child just brouse the forum…and keep enhancing your knowledge.