Hello Everyone!

Came across this website yesterday when looking for something to help my kids learn to speak spanish. After reading the site and watching a couple of videos about Little Reader I am thinking about getting it to help my kids to read english and spanish! LOL! But I have not yet committed and wanted to poke around some more before hand.

Hi MCane and welcome to BrillKids :slight_smile:
Have you downloaded the free trial to show your children the program?
There are some PDFs that you can download for more details on how to use this program along with background info on this teaching method. Www.brillbaby.com

My son learned how to read words with this program before he had a chance to learn how to say them naturally. He is also learning Spanish with some of the many lessons files that are available to be imported into your program from the Little Reader Library. We are expecting a Spanish version to be released in the near future.

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Mela Bala,
I have already downloaded one of the PDFs on how to teach the pogram. I love that the lessons are only supposed to take five-ten minutes a day. I have four kids and life is hecktic to say the least. I am thrilled to hear about the spanish version!!! My older kids will be starting emersion training (Spanish) this next school year. So I figured I should throw the whole family into it as best I could. I am reading up on how to use stuff from the little reader library. Do those lessons come with audio?
I don’t speak a word of spanish so the audio part will be the biggest challenge for me but I have a native spanish speaking friend who also speaks english and french who said she would help out. I plan on downloading the trial version tonight and give it a go! Thanks!

Hi MCane,

I don’t speak Spanish or Chinese but with the BrillKid programs my little one already has a good foundation with them. There are a lot of files that have audio in the library. I am able to show spanish lessons daily with them. but I am not sure that you can import them on a trial version of the program. I also plan to send my son to an immersion school setting but in the meantime plan on having tutors and just found a class Hola Baby in my area.

You are so lucky to have a friend who speaks the language to help you out. The individuals who will be tutoring my son are the ones I plan on getting help from. It is also very easy to edit or create Little reader files and if your friend has some time they could record the audio for you.

Have you searched through the forum section about teaching your child a foreign language or product reviews and discussions. You will find many methods of teaching with examples and experiences. You will also find many other resources that have been effective in teaching languages. The BrillKid coupon store also offers discount coupons to Boca Beth’s products. You can purchase the coupons with your loyalty points. My son really enjoys learning languages through music.