Hello Everyone!

Hello, my name is Corilynn and I am a 25 year old SAHM to Abby, who is now 2 1/2 months old. I am looking to find advice on how to help my daughter get the best early education as I possibly can provide for her. Right now, being winter, I have been spending alot of time indoors and to be honest I’m starting to get alittle bored with the same activities. I am planning to purchase the Your Baby Can Read program for her for Christmas and I am also planning to try and do baby sign language with her as well, hoping that I can teach her something while providing alittle bit of a change to our daily routine.

I am new to this forum although I have been reading alot of information on the BrillKids website for some time now. Just wanted to say hello and see if anyone had any advice on how they became successful in teaching their child while staying sane at the same time! :laugh:
Thanks and I hope you all have a great day!

I would recommend reading Glenn Doman’s book “How Smart is Your Baby”. It has a program for babies from birth with exercises to strengthen a babies eyesight, hearing, vital responses, balance, muscular development, and cognitive development.

For a 2.5 month old I would add music listening and dancing (you holding her) into your daily routine. Also read lots of books to her - that I great for her language development. If you speak another language then add it in, if not get some DVDs / youtube / CDs of another language for her to listen to. Hearing is key at this age. I made big flash cards with large clear pictures that my daughter loved at that age.

This is also a great age to start teaching swimming. In the bathtub works fine for a tiny baby, so it can be done in winter. Glenn Doman’s book on swimming is a good resource.

I am also stuck inside here is winter. I would suggest finding a local mom’s group / playgroup to join to help you stay sane. Check if your local library has any storytimes that you can join in.

Thank you so much! I never thought about swimming as an option. As for music and dancing, that is already a big part of our lives. Music is one of the only things that kept me sane even before I had Abby. :yes: We don’t seem to have many playgroups in the area either but I did recently hear about this organization called Child Inc. here in town that provides “family days” at their building for free once a week as well as Moms night out! I’m definitally gunna check that out, I’m just a little worried about being with groups of people or children with the whole Swine flu thing going around. Abby is so young, she can’t get that H1N1 shot yet.

I’m concerned about swine flu too. I really didn’t take my daughter out until she was 6 months except for church, grocery shopping, and walks - and I never let anyone touch her, and I was very careful about wiping everything. But, their immune systems do get stronger, and the more she grows the more she will be interested in exploring. Is she crawling yet? That was a pretty big milestone for us. It opened up the possibility for so many more games because she was mobile and could make choices. We set up different play stations around our house and crawled to each of them. I spent most my time on the floor those months.

Do you have a library in your area? Ours has storytimes some months, but they also have a little play section, which is usually empty when we go there, but it has different toys from the ones we have at home, so my daughter always has fun there.

If there is no mom’s group in your area, why not start your own?

(What does SAHM stand for?)

i wipe everything too, inside my house and not. lol I’m known as the disinfecting queen by my friends. I carry wipes everywhere I go. lol

No, she isn’t crawling yet, not even sitting up on her own yet either, she’s only 2.5 months old.

I was thinking about starting up a group as a matter of fact. That sounds like it would be alot of fun. And beneficial for her too.

SAHM stands for Stay At Home Mom by the way. :slight_smile: