Hello everyone!!!

Hello everyone

Firstly, thanks to the founder/creator of Little Reader and Brillkids/Brillbaby. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and revolutionary product. Thanks also to the Editor, the Moderator, and to all those who makes this site happened and happening! :slight_smile:

I am NOT a mom, but just a little over-excited auntie of a 4-month old niece. I really hope my niece will respond to the program positively. She has find it interesting, but I haven’t been following it religiously.

Nice to know that there are so many people here willing to share what they know.

Catch you guys around !

Hi Zlyne! :happy:

We’re glad to have you here! Your niece is quite lucky to have an “over-excited auntie” such as yourself who is taking the time out to teach her new things! lol We hope that your family will enjoy using Little Reader, and that we can help you make learning a fun and exciting activity for your niece.

Should you need any help with using Little Reader or just getting around in the forums, do let us know. :slight_smile: We would be mor than happy to lend a hand.

Cheers, and happy foruming!


Hi and welcome to the forums! We are happy to have you here.
Thank you for your kind comments. It’s great to know that Little Reader and the forums are helping so many parents and children! I know that is the mission of the whole Brillkids team.
We really hope you will join more discussions in the forums. We would love to hear more about your niece. Please let us know if we can help with anything!