Hi Jandy
You dont have to worry about exposing TV your daughter,what is important is that you show the right stuff to your children.
Showing children educational dvds to your daughter wont make her stupid, it’s just another way to teaching your children.
My daughter was always exposed to 32" HDTV since birth. Infact before i had the BrillKids software, I used to prepare Glen Domans material thru powerpoint presentaiton and at times prepare homemade DVD.
I do understand your worry, that if you show all your teaching materials on TV or on computer, your daughter may be too glued to it and might never find books interesting. And believe that was my worry too.
Hence, the way i went about my program is I always used a mix of both, what i mean is
I had my Encylopedia stuff always shown on TV / Computer / DVD, as i find it’s a time consuming activity to find,cut and stick pictures on posterboards, and also very costly to print them from the internet. Hence the most cheapest way to teach was on computer or DVD
But incase of Maths / Reading I would always do a mix of both, I had my dot cards on poster board and word cards on plain letter size paper. And also have a powerpoint presentation for the same.
At times I would show her powerpoint presentations and at time my hand made stuff
I also purchased simple picture books with only single pictures on each page and got her used to book reading. I would allow my daughter to take the lead to turn pages and name the picture as she turned. At times I would turn.
And in this way, it always teaching fun for me and children.
I also bought magnetic board, and magnetic alphabets and numbers and would form words from it. Most of the times I would always give my daughter to put the alphabets on the board, and she would form words that are meaningless. And then I would pronounce the word she forms eventhough its not a word. In this way you give them to explore and form words which is always fun for them. And if you read Glen Domans book “How to teach your baby to read”, he does mention that you should allow your children to form its words and sentences and never discourage them in what they do.
You could always prepare your BITCards Dot Cards in a book form, where your daughter can turn the pages and you can tell her what it is each time she the turn pages from the books.
Also remember, couple of minutes in front of TV wouldnt do any harm. You should always use different methods of teaching, inorder to keep it fun and interesting and also maintaining a balance in everything. Anything that is extreme is always bad, hence totally avoiding TV isnt good and too much of TV also isnt good.
Try it out, as I say this because i followed the same approach with my daughter.
You could look at my post, as to how I went about my teaching on Glenn Doman’s material.