Hello everyone I'm Nikki.

Hi im Nikki but you can also call me Lucky. My real name is Lucky Nicole Ochotorena and I’m from Philipines. I’m happy to knoe that there’s this kind of tool that my children can use to develop their language skills. I’m so excited about the outcome and I’m hoping that they can get fast result.

I’m really excited. Thank you for providing us such a wonderful software for babies.

Hi and welcome to the forums. It is good to have you here. I’m Nikki too!
I’m glad you’re so excited about Little Reader. It certainly is a wonderful program. Please let us know if you have any questions about it or the forums. I hope to see you around!

Hi Nikki! (Haha, now we have two Nikkis in the forum! lol)

We’re very happy to have you onboard, and it’s great to see more and more parents who are interested in giving their little ones the gift of early education. We do hope that you will enjoy being here, and I look forward to reading about your learning adventures with your baby.

If you need any help - whether it be with using Little Reader or just getting around in the forums, please do let us know, we’ll be more than happy to lend a hand!

Cheers, and happy foruming!

Lappy :biggrin: