Hello everyone! I'm a new BrillBaby Mom!

Hello everyone! I’m a new BrillBaby Mom! So I guess that would make me a BrillMom! lol
I’m from the Philippines and I think I’m the first Filipina here. :biggrin:
I’m a SAHM to my precious, 6-month old old son, Eliam Jesu Mattheo.
Great to meet all of you here! :wink:

Hi and welcome to the forums! It is great to have you here. Please feel free to ask any questions and join discussions in the forums. Everyone is really friendly here, and we can’t wait to learn more about you and your son!

Hi to the proud mom of Eliam! :happy:

We’re very happy to have you here in the forum, we could always use more proud mothers who are so eager to help their children to read! :rolleyes: I look forward to reading about your experience with teaching Eliam, and hopefully we can get to know more about your precious little boy through the forums!

If you need any help getting around, please do let us know. :slight_smile: We’ll be more than happy to help you.


Lappy :wub:

Welcome! Actually, I remember there were other Filipino members who joined earlier, so you’ve got company!


Thanks for your warm welcome, guys and for offering your assistance! Yuo sure will hear from me when I need one :smiley: By the way, that’s good to know. That means a lot of my “kababayans” (fellow countrymen) support early learning for their children. Hurray!!! :yes: