Hello Every one from The land down under

Hi we are a Hispanic couple living in Au and time has come for our little one to start his adventure learning languages.

Our intend is to teach our kid to read Spanish, I have been browsing on the website but no able to neither download the demo free version ()nor the Spanish one, can any body shed a light on this, we will appreciate it a lot.

Not sure if anyone has been able to help you. It could be a browser or OS issue. I would contact them directly. I wish you many successes in your early learning journey and I hope to hear updates soon.

Not an expert but I think the demo is only available in US English, I tried to get other languages and didn’t find them either.

Hello All,

My family is off to Spain for a year - My wife is fluent in Spanish however our two year old twins and I have
some catching up to do so… I am happy that Spanish is available from BrillKids.

After much searching I found sample content here- http://www.brillkids.com/user/acct-mgmt-purchases.php/Little-Reader-License.php

Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the “Free Trial Content” section, then click on the download link for the Spanish trial content! Make sure you already have the latest version of the Little Reader software installed in your computer or else the download won’t work (you need at least v3.3.1500).

Would love to hear what else you are up to in teaching your child Spanish.

Hi everyone, just chiming in to confirm that @TheWillisFamilia’s suggestion is exactly right. :slight_smile:

The Little Reader software itself comes built-in with sample lessons from our US English Curriculum. Once you have the software installed, you can download any or all of the sample lesson files for the other curriculum languages from your account page (Account > Purchases > Little Reader Curriculum & License Key page).

In case you need detailed instructions, see: http://support.brillkids.com/hc/en-us/articles/204595514