Hello and Merry Christmas to all!

Hi there!

Nice to see this great parenting forum. Great to see lots of moms making posts, I will be missing daddy company.

Yes I am father of 15 months daughter. It is great experience in new stage of life and an eye opener to know how our parents raised us!

Me and my wife had this parenting course called “Joy of Parenting” that goes for 2 months every weekend 3 hours. The content of the course was so dense and amazing that it will take 1 year for us to prepare for that! This course was using some of the famous mathods of Glenn Doman. I am sure many parents know about Doman in this forum. But, most interesting part of the course was “Vision”. This is something what you want to see your child grow as and relating it to a personality.

We prepared basic of the vision and still working on it to have more improvements. It would be great if someone can share their experience with Vision.

Let me know if you want to know more about vision. Here is the link to the course http://rsvk.org/content/category/5/21/36/

Hi and welcome to the forums! It’s great to have you here! There are some other fathers here, in fact our founder, KL, is a dad! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!

Thanks Nikki,

I posted question on Vision, but seems not many people aware about it. I have just puchased little reader basic and exploring contents and the forum.


I’ve never heard of it.

I’ve never heard of it either, though it seems very interesting (I’ve always been interested in Vedic stuff).

Looks like it’s available in India only? You should also post it on the India board:


Thanks for the reply KL and Nikki.

One example:
One man was going on the road and he asked another “where does this road go?” another man asked “where you want to go”. first man said “i dont know”. Another man said it 'If you dont know where you want to go, it doesnt matter where this road goes"

The idea is to draw details of where you want to see your child. If we dont know where, what path you will choose?

but there is difference between and desire and vision. You create a vision and ‘expect’ to be there, if not you are still happy. while desire gives sorrow when not fulfulled and you kind of ‘force’ your child for it.

I can write more details if more guys here are interested. I am not sure if this is purely Vedic, but yes; the course had lot of indian values attached with it.

I think the course is available in other countries as well. Here is the link for locations to conduct this and other programs. I had been to their another program “ssy”, it was great too.

I know exactly what you are talking about. These are the theories of manifestation that underlie movies such as “The Secret” as well as many Eastern philosophies.

As for applying to our kids, it’s something I would definitely teach Felicity, since having a vision of your future and goal-setting are always wonderful things to do anyway (Arnold Schwarzenegger is a good example of going very far with annual goals that he writes down). If you’re referring to parents holding a vision for their children, I don’t do that in detail apart from their being happy and able, because to me it’s their choice what they want to make out of life, and our role is just to equip, guide, and support them.

I think I have confused the vision. Here we dont need to set the goals for kids, instead to visualize the quality you wish to in your child and relate it to the personality. I agree that by setting goals you limit your vision.

for example one vision could be: you are intelligent like Einstein