Hello all

Hi all! My name is Regiina and I’m new to this community. My baby girl is 4 months old and I thought I should start teaching her at home rather than sending her to infant enrichment clasees. I just bought the little readers, little maths, little chinese and little musician bundle awaiting for delivery. Can’t wait to receive them! I will need lots of help and advice from you all. Appreciate if you could share some of your experience with me.

Welcome! This forum is a great place to get advice :yes: I know that I have learned a lot from everyone here. The search button in the gray bar at the top is a great place to start when you have a question…pretty good chance someone else wondered about the same thing lol And you will find lots of people ready to help at any time!!

Good luck with teaching your little girl! It is lots of fun!

Hello Regiina, welcome to the forum. We will be happy to help and answer any questions you come up with. You will be as excited as a child with a mudpie when your programs arrive! Spend some time getting to know them and showing them to your child and then jump on here with any questions. There are many many parents here who have taught their children to read, do advanced math, speak and read Chinese and develop perfect pitch using these programs. They are so easy to use.
At 4 months your daughter may enjoy seeing the words from LR on a big screen so consider using cables to connect your computer to the TV. Also while you wait for the programs to arrive see is she enjoys the visual discrimination cards in the free download section above. They develop her ability to see and discriminate differences in what she sees.
Also you have plenty of time so don’t feel rushed to start every program from day one. Perhaps start with 2 and once you find that easy add in the others one by one. You will find your child’s concentration level will increase with use and age.

Thank you for your welcome and advice. I am certainly excited about the programs which I am about to receive. Will update you all on my baby’s progress :slight_smile: