Hello All...I'm new to this so please advice an any way you can.

Hello my name is Gladis…I don’t have any kids but I have a nephew that just arrived to the states and he is 3 1/2 and he doesn’t know how to speak very well…He doesn’t know things a 3 1/2 yr old child should know…he makes certain noises when he wants thing…and I’m trying to help him to learn how to speak and learn new thing by asking not pointing…Please if you can advice me of where I can start that would be appreciated.Thanks so much

HI Gladis,
Ok let’s see… we can start from estimulating him to talk how???reading a lot to him, focus on books he likes.An other idea is music, every child likes music,sing to him,use a fun music cd with nice songs ,like 5 little monkeys or any other songs like that…
Try to ask him to tell you he wants(when ever he asks for something)like if he points the cereal, reinforce him saying the word cereal, cereal, you can even creat a song with cereal,cereal cereal let’s eat cereal…
Kids who are used to pointing instead of talking in some cases it is beacuse they have never been motivated or estimulated to talk, everytime the child wants something he just point and he gets it!!And of course he thinks if i can point and they understand what a want i don’t have any neccesity to talk.
It si very imporatnt everytime he points something don’t make it so easy for him to get what he wants, give him a little work…tell him this is apple, you want apple? say apple…apple…apple…

Good luck! I have some ideas I will write you later…I need to sleep… :wink:
good luck!!

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