Heguru Right Brain Method

Hi Ivory,

MusikHaus is another centre for kids to learn music through hiphop dancing and playing of musical instruments. This is another proven way to stimulate their right brain. Its located in Mutiara Damansara near The Curve. PM me if u want to know more about the centre.



Halo Teoh,

I think I will go and have a look for MusikHaus. Please do share with me if you have more information about it. :smiley: Thanks alot. :smiley:

Halo Sheesheebaby,

Should I call you like this? Thanks for your advice. I will try to spend more valuable time with my kids. You still have time to look for suitable option for your son since he is only 2 yrs old. 8)

Hi momsof2

I’m a mother of 2 kids, i just send my 14mths baby go to heguru for trial class, she is very active cannot sit still in the class… hope she can behave a bit next time. :smiley: i also went to shichida and put her in the waiting list cause my home is nearer to PJ area. her 1st class in Heguru also in Nov.

Hope you can share some opinion to me too. :slight_smile:



I think the person in charged are in a better position to explain to u all the things u want to know abt the centre. Here is the tel no: 03-77280834. Both my sons are in Musikhaus. They have just joined in Oct09.

Hi Teoh,

Just wondering what is the minimum age to join the class? I’m also thinking to enroll my 2yo daughter to yoga class in Gymboree ,Tropicana citymall too, hope she could have better concentration.

Dear Ivory,
Are you a full time mother? I am not, am working mother. So do not really have time for my kids which sometimes make me feel guilty…
Pls do not blame yourself for not having enough time for your child. As a mum of 2yo with a helper at home, I don’t really spend much time with my daughter too. Most of the time I just spend about an hour the most to read, to sing, do some worksheets from Shichida, 5 sets of flash cards once a day, may be evening activities like swimming or painting, that’s all… I don’t work, but always going out to visit my friends or ex-colleagues in the afternoon …sound even worse right? :clown: Do spare half an hour quality time per day is more than enough rather than spending quantity time , no pressure :biggrin: ! You know what, working mum is very great to me!!

To Sheesheebaby,
Salute to you! 8) you are really capable mum, taking care of your lovely child yet have to do house works, it’s really a tough job!!!

Hi Jean,

There is no minimum age as they have a class specially for the age group fr new born to 18 mths which they called the class “Babies”. For those 18 mths to 3 will join the class called “bubbles”…My personal opinion-I think music class is better if u want to stimulate their right brain as compared to Gymboree which concentrates more on their motor skills which eventually they will learn later when the time has come…

Hello Ivory,

Hahaha…sheesheebaby is what I used to call my baby. He’s no longer a baby, but I sometimes still call him that, you know, a child will forever be a baby in his/her own parent’s eye.

Jean, you should tell that to my hubby. He always thinks I am having a good life by not having to work.

I went for Musikhaus’s bubble class. Frankly speaking, I wish they had spent some time on musical instrument. Or maybe just the class that I went to, they omitted the musical instrument part? What do you think of the Musikhaus preschool?


U went for trial class or your kid has already joined?? I think for bubble class they will use less of the musical instruments may be due to the less developed motor skill and oso coordination of their hands. Cause for kidjammez class, I can see the kids have the chance to use diff types of musical instruments.
I totally have no idea on the preschool. By the way, are there any parents sending their kids to Peter and Jane in SS2??


I went for the trial class for bubbles (18mths - 2.5 years old). 1 class is not enough to evaluate everything but this is what I observed. In the brochure, they mentioned character building songs, stories and drama…errrr…if my memory didn’t fail me, the songs were just normal nursery rhymes, and no drama. The teacher was telling a story using apparatus, similar to Gymboree. In terms of creativity, I think Gymboree wins. Gymboree goes extra length to help develop creativity of the child, as in they go from 1 “station” of equipment to the other pretending that the stations are ovens, forests, etc. But Musikhaus has live music (teacher plays piano on the spot) which according to the teacher, is more effective. Gymboree uses CDs. But Gymboree music classes on weekdays are quite empty, so each class may have just 1 or 2 children.

As for Musikhaus preschool, I am thinking of going for the trial class. You can choose either once, twice or thrice a week. Anyone can give me some input on this?

Teoh, I went to see P&J in Mutiara Damansara. The moment I saw the students wearing shoes in the class, I was so put off that I never consider this kindie again. I’m not sure about the one in SS2. Maybe different.

Jean, I’m so sorry I can’t offer you anymore other than what I wrote.

Hi, Please may I have more information on Heguru, Shichida and Tweedlewink.
Son is 3+, may I know is it too late to start him on these enrichment programs?

Hi…my son went to musihaus before (he was 1 year old then). He was there for 1 year. He doesn’t like it because he doesn’t want to be criticise by the teacher infront of his friends. The teacher drew a circle “o” on the white board. My son answered it’s a zero, it’s a circle, the teacher laughed and said he was wrong in front of the rest. He was so dissapointed. The teacher says this is an “o”…this is a letter. Don’t you know your alphabets, shame on you. Because of this incident he wants to stop…

As a mom, I always tell my son, it is alright to make mistakes, sometimes mummy makemistakes too…We will learn from o mistakes.

I would recommend kizsport. They no only have music, instrument intro but also physical exercise. Give it a try!

Since your child is young you also can expose he/she to violin or piano lessons. They really can absorbs more at this tender age.

Hi mmom,

Its a bit too much if the teacher really said this - “Don’t you know your alphabets, shame on you”. We really shd not use this kind of -ve words especially on kids. In what year tt this happened?? I may nd to reevaluate their teachers’ standard if it happened just recently…as my sons are still with the centre.
By the way, where is kizsport??
Kids fr new born to 6 years of age are like sponge. I think fr 0-6 years are the golden years for them to learn and I feel this are the best years to stimulate their brain if u wan to… Personally I dont think its too late but take note that the learning abilities and speed actually deteriorate as they grow older. I enrolled my son for Shichida when he was 3 plus but I started to use the flash card method on my younger son which is only 18 mths and I can see that my hardwork being paid off. So I immediately enrolled for him as well.

Hi Teoh, Thanked you for your reply. That particular person is not only a teacher but also the owner of musikhaus. To let you know the truth, the good teachers left Musikhaufor goods, and because they are lack of staff eventually they just trained up their receptionist (not one but few) to be their teachers and inform all the parents they have the qualifications…Pls don’t think because of what happened I said this, as I doubt the quality of the teachers…

Kizsports are in 1 Utama old wing and Bangsar village. This is good, the children not only exposed to music, finger play, instruments, manners, taking turns, etc they were also exposed to physical activities. I think music is good for stimulation but do bare in mind, if the child could have more oxygen in the brain will also helps to enhance his/their learning abilities.

Besides, Musikgarten is also another place you may go for music enrichment. But, frankly, if you feels that you would like your child to have music enrichment I would suggest send your child to Maple academy in Cheras, there not only your child can join group music appreciation like the one in musikhaus you also let your child take up violin and piano. Trust me, my son was there. No one wanted to teach him despite of his age but this teacher believes in early years education and enrichments…so she did it…Son even uses music to de-stress himself sometimes. If you are interested, do let me know I can give you the teacher phone number.

Thanks, for your info on not to start…But, we do need to pick up one nerichment or more than one for my sn who is 3+?

Hello mmom,

I am really surprised to hear that your son was criticised by the teacher. The trial class I attended was conducted by her and I find her very positive. Hmmm…need to rethink as to whether should go for the preschool trial class or not. Oh…I think she must get a better receptionist. The one I spoke to didn’t know anything but don’t want to say “I don’t know”. Ended up giving me all the ambiguous answers.

I find Kizsports quite expensive compared to other preschools. I assume you are talking about the ELA, RM2,300 for 15 weeks (3 times a week). Is your son still there?

OH… by the way, Kizsports will be opening in Desa Parkcity in Nov.


Maple Academy in Cheras is a bit too far for us.Both my wife and I are working and without helper or in laws. So we are kind of busy throughout 7 days in a week. How nice if there are 8 days?? (haha…)


The fees charged in KizSports is even more expensive than Shichida??/


Oh no no. What I mean is the fee is expensive compared to other preschools (those a few hours a day), not right brain education.


R u saying Kizsports is like Peter & Jane and/or other Kindergarden teaching pre-primary school lesson???


Kizsports has a few types of groupings. It has EFA (early fitness academy) where the children will play using equipment. Then, it has ELA (early learning academy) where they have role play, art, craft, teaching of numbers and reading, just like other preschools. It is a 3 hour class with the option of 3 or 5 times a week. It also has other enrichment classes like taekwondo, ballet, etc.

Pay a visit to the centre to find out more if you are interested. You can also call them. 03-7726 6313.


Tks for sharing.