Heguru Right Brain Education classes available in Australia

Just thought this would be of interest to parents living in Melbourne, Australia who have been wanting options for Right Brain classes…

Heguru is now available in Melbourne. Here’s the website:


Shen, I really don’t know how you get these info’s so quickly but you’re great lah!.. I’ll let my sis know… Thanks!

Why Melbourne??? They always forget good ol’ Adelaide


Do you know of any right brain classes available in Manila, Philippines? Thanks!

Jasmine - it was quite by accident. We were recently in Melbourne and my cousin mentioned it to me.

Kim - yes, it should be available in more places, but unfortunately not :frowning: Wonder if they will consider a franchise? Maybe you could propose it to them? :wink:

Aangeles - I don’t know of any from Heguru, Shichida, or TweedleWink but I’m not sure about other schools following the method.

quote from Shen-Li: “Wonder if they will consider a franchise? Maybe you could propose it to them”
I actually contacted them and Shichida after Shen-Li had given me their email address on her blog. And yes, they ARE interested in franchise but have got very strict norms/they interview you etc.
I in anyway wasn´t interested in starting a franchise here in Spain, I just wanted to enroll my children in an existing one but there is none in sight unfortunately :-(( So every parent who hasn´t got the chance to take their kids to actual classes is very indebted to you, Shen-Li, for your great work and recomendations about RB training on your blog. Please keep especially the links to the RB apps coming as I now own an ipad2 ¡¡yieppeh!!

Hope you had a great time in Australia.

Take care!