Heart Burns

Can somebody tell how to minimise the heart burns during pregnancy?

I am on my 3rd pregnancy and have had acid indigestion pretty bad with all 3. My doctor recommended taking Pepcid (20 mg). It works wonders and is safe for pregnancy! You can take up to 2 a day and most days that is how much I need. I usually get the generic brand (much cheaper and works the same) which the active ingredient is Famotidine. This also comes in 10 mg tablets, but I found I needed the 20 mg. Hope this helps!

sorry for that it painful i have been there.so all what u can do :
eat little portions
eat 5 times a day
avoid fried,fatty food

Drink lots of water atleast 3ltrs per day.Avoid spices.Go veggy if possible. :yes:

All of the above!

My OB doctor friend used to carry around TUMS. My son’t pediatritian also told me to have my boys (especially the one in his teens) eat two a day to help with their calcium intake. But I would check with your own doctor, too.

Other than that, I agree with ketty rain and joyMegha. With some of my pregnancies, I would eat small snacks all day long. lol