Healthy Living


I am hopefully not duplicating any previous threads, but I was hoping to share ideas on maintaining optimum health for young ones including recipes, vitamins/supplements etc.

One of the mummies on this forum mentioned to me about holistic approach towards healthy living and that led to discussion on what would be good to eat from a very young age.

I am sharing some nice sites that I have found so far (Great site to buy dairy/soy/gluten free products in the UK) (Another great site to buy wholegrain, nuts etc. in the UK)

My daughter is nearly 11 months old and we are feeding her a variety of food including quinoa, pearl barley, couscous, millet, rice, oats, lentils of all sorts, flaxseed, hempseed, chia seeds, various types of beans, veges, fruits, tofu, soy yooghurt, chicken & fish (we don’t plan to introduce red meat in her diet). Recently, we introduced home-made almond milk into her diet in small quantities and she really likes it, she also drinks oat milk (alongside her normal ‘formula’ milk). I’d be keen to know if it is too early to introduce spirulina? Being of Indian-origin, we have introduced different spices into her diet in small quantities since she was 8 months old. We tried tahini with her recently but she got a runny nose subsequently so we have given it a break just for fear of allergy (she already has dairy & egg allergy).

I would love to hear from other parents on this forum on more recipes, herbs/supplements etc. to improve immune system.


My sister have a 10 months old boy. She prefer to feed him on her own milk normally. Because there can be nothing better than a mothers milk for a kid. She prefer to prepare everything at home for him. She prefer to give him different vegetable soups which are not at all spicy.

I’m aso trying to include in our famiy diet more of the vegitaranian choices, incuding drinking different kinds of milk besides cow, cooking different grains, beans, using coconut oil instead of butter in cooking, making smoothies. I find it so important. Also for us it goes beyond diet. I stopped using any store brand house cleaning suppies instead use white vinegar, baking soda, borax… It heps my house be toxins free

We started giving my daughter spirulina & acai berry after all. There was no adverse reaction and it has suited her really well. I felt that both were important for building up her immune system. Tahini (sesame) has also suited her after all as has cashew butter.

I recently made chocolate bars at home (original recipe provided by one of the forum members, which I adapted) using cacao butter, cacao powder, coconut butter, tahini, almond meal, flax and hempseed. We gave a small amount to my daughter and she liked it a lot. So, we plan to give her that on a regular basis as it incorporates all the goodness of the various butters/seeds etc.

Thanks a ton BTBVEN! We are fast approaching the “introduction to solids” stage. I found a few good ideas on some of those websites.

Sounds like you are doing a great job!

A few things I would add would be to make sure that you are pre-soaking your grains and legumes before serving. Grains have phytates in them, chemical compounds designed to keep the insects away I think, but they can chelate minerals out of your body. Presoaking neutralises these phytates and makes the food more digestible and nutritious. Soak for 12-48 hours in warm water with a little whey or lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Or if you are lazy like me, just soak in some cold water at least overnight. Berkley water filters are the best and most cost effective I have found to purify water.

Vinegar and baking soda are great cleaners. Baby Led Weaning is a good book to read, it tells you to let baby feed herself, to experiment with food. I do a bit of this and a bit of spoon feeding. Making meat and bone broths are a very nourishing base to cook your grains or soups in. Nourishing Traditions is a GREAT book about tradtional and healthy ways of preparing food and has lots of info on feeding babies. This book likes raw milk which I have found does not work for us so well so I soak nuts and seeds (sunflower are teh best) and throw them in the blender with fruit, carrot and spinach to make creamy smoothies.

One of my son’s has special needs and the supps I give him to boost his immune and other systems that are suitable for 1 year olds are : Green Pastures cod liver butter blend(suitable for under 1s) , Nordic naturals fish oils, magnesium threonate (crosses the blood brain barrier apparently) and a wonderful product called NutriiVeda. NV is an adult product being used unofficially in some apraxic and special needs communities as it helps kids to speak. This can be started in tiny doses at a year of age, it is super nutritious and has made such a difference in strengthening my special needs child that I will use a little for my well child when he gets to 1 as well. BTW, I am not a doctor, just a mom, but those are my ideas! You are doing great, just kick back and delight in your little one, that is the best thing a parent can do!

Thanks for sharing these health related websites here . One should have a healthy lifestyle and for that one must take care of their nutritional daily food and can also include health supplements so as to get all the necessary nutrients .

I have discovered a product that is amazing for health. You may have heard of colloidal silver?
This product is far superior to colloidal silver.
It’s called crystalline nano silver and is so good for all humans and animals that doctors have reported it has cured EBOLA, AIDS, cancers and many diseases as it kills all viruses, bacteria, fungi and pathogens it comes up against.

Doctors tried to get shipments into Africa with the Ebola situation a while back but kept getting turned back…but some patients managed to be treated with this product and were cured.
I 'm hugely enthusiastic about this particularly now with the Zika virus and babies born with small heads and small brains - I hope this product can get into all those countries where infection is rife.
My oldest kids are of the age that they could get pregnant (and I’m still not put out to pasture on that either) and the Zika virus has absolutely terrified me . I warned my girls “whatever you do, dont get pregnant for at least another 5 years as that is how long it is going to take to get a vaccine against the Zika virus”

This is the same situation that was faced with the Ebola virus but some patients were treated by doctors with crystalline nano silver water and survived ebola.
There are some videos about this here and you can research by google to see for yourself.


As far as health goes, its been shown to cure every disease causing thing out there…even worms. And can be used safely by babies, children, pets and during pregnancy. It can be used internally, externally and even dropped in the eyes and vapourised into the lungs to cure conjunctivitis and bronchial ailments. Its great to use every day as a preventative measure and means antibiotics arent necessary. Kills the flu. And can be used to sterilise household surfaces too. And is great for pain…people have great results treating fibromyalgia, lyme disease and chronic fatigue and a host of ailments and conditions.

Here’s a recent fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue testimonial:

Thanks for sharing this informative tips for healthy living. :happy:

Thank you for the informative post

Thanks for sharing it.