He read his VERY first book!!!

Well all are hard work paid off! Wesley read his first book almost independent. He even read a new word without being taught it. Mind you this is a very simple book “The cat sees me… The dog sees me…etc.” BUT even so this is his first book, he was reading the words by himself, and he had never read the story before. I’m so proud of him.
I wrote the details in my blog so we can remeber this moment :slight_smile:

That’s wonderful! Congratulations.

congrats Wesley…keep it up.

Congrats :slight_smile:

I had always read your posts with a lot of interest. I understand wesleys journey to knowledge and your efforts on him and his efforts too. I feel so good to know Wesley is reading a book…

Tank0you so much everyone :slight_smile:

Awesome!!! Congrats! Well done, Wesley!!

That is just great news. You and Wesley are an inspiration to me as I just begin this journey, Kudos!


I just read your blog entry. I’m so happy for you and Wesley. Keep it up, you are an inspiration for the rest of us.


That’s wonderful!

That’s wonderful! Congratulations.

Well done–the first of many!

Well done. :slight_smile:

How exciting!!! Well Done wesley!