He finally showed me a sign of reading!!!

We have been doing a loose version of the Doman reading program, although we have been very lax lately. He views the YBCR videos almost daily, he’s on video 3 now. And of course we do LR almost daily also.

Lately we have been doing LR instead of flash cards. I do random categories, the ones he likes the best and I also show him the YBCR sets that I made.

He knows some baby signs for diaper, dog, and bird and will grab his ear (most of the time) when asked. I started noticing that he would grab his ear as soon as the word came up also doing the sign for diaper, dog and bird when he saw those words. It seemed to me that he would respond even before the word was pronounced so I did a little experiment.

I turned the pronunciation off on the YBCR set that I have been showing him. We casually scrolled through the words and he watched but ss soon as “ear” popped up he grabbed his ear! He didn’t do anything for any of the other words though. I was so excited, to say the least.

It’s funny though how they really do not like to be tested because when I tried to do it again he refused and wanted to be done. So stubborn!! lol

This is so motivating! I guess we will get back to our more regular program. YEAH!!!

That’s great! Gabriel is the same way. Any time I try to get him to read a word that I know he knows or sign a word that I know he knows, he just looks at me like I’m dumb. But as soon as it’s just me and him, he’ll do it.


I wouldn’t say he talks yet. He’ll say mama and da but doesn’t really say much else. I think he’s trying though, like he’s starting to say sounds and pointing at stuff.

That is great and so exciting for you - toddlers do seem to be quite stubborn. My daughter has shown me a few times that she can read, but often days and even weeks go by before she shows me again and she refuses to play any games with me that would show she can read (eg she will not put her finger on a word when asked ever)

Just keep at it - your baby is taking in so much. Eventually they will show us, but perhaps it is a lesson in patience for us parents :slight_smile:

CONGRATS, sb1201!!! I know exactly how you feel, both in terms the elation you must feel when you can see that he’s learning, as well as the frustration when they don’t want to show you that they know the words!

Keep it up!
