having big problems with little naps

my son is almost 2years old i have spent alot of very exausting time trying to get my son to take naps every day! he runs all day does lots of things all day long! wakes up at a decent time in the morning! but no matter what i try i cant seem to get my son to take a nap! i start trying around noon in the hopes i’ll get him to lay down before 2pm. no matter what i try he usually falls asleep from lack of energy at 5pm. i could really use some advise!

Does he sleep all night after he falls asleep at 5? If so, I don’t know that I would mess with it it may just be that he doesn’t need any more sleep.

Although, if he is just napping at 5 and then staying up to late, I would want to change it too. Have you tried doing “quiet” activitiies like reading in bed or even watching a movie in bed. (If you allow tv) Don’t try to force sleep just get him to settle for a bit and relax. Maybe that would give him enough of a recharge to make it until his regular bedtime.

I wish you luck. I know sleep issues can be soooo difficult. My little guy is a great napper luckily but a horrible night sleeper. He wakes very often at night.

My daughter, 20 months, is the same way! Just like another commenter wrote, I try to ease her into nap time with quiet activities. But the magic pill for us has been baby wearing. I know she’s almost 30 pounds… but it works! I use either the Ergo Baby Carrier or the Baby K’tan. Both are fairly easy on my back and hold her snug against me, forcing her to slow down! Then I just walk or use an exercise step and in 5 to 15 minutes she is fast asleep and I can lower her slowly into bed! Hope this helps!

That’s a great idea :slight_smile: Will definitely try that.

hi there

heres some stuff that i learnt about sleep

diet plays an important role. your child needs enough protein and your childs iron levels must be right.

your childs routine must be as predictable as possible say an hour before nap or sleep.try playing a song your child likes thats soothing. also try and swing your child in a swing or rocker for minumum 10 minutes as that helps them fall asleep later. not sure why but if your baby sleeps at 7 then try the swinging at 5.

keep to bath time routines and especially with 2yr olds, they need their routine predictable and rigid. if you want to be more extreme then you are going to have to sleep train.

hope this helps.

teething can upset sleep like my son at the moment. his molars are coming out so he is not sleeping well at the moment. :frowning:

I second the wearing idea. On fussy days I used the ergo also on my back and if I quickly just walked through the house without stopping he would be asleep in no time. Although once asleep I never laid him down, didn’t want to risk it. :rolleyes:

The ergo was easy enough on my back with a 30 lb boy!

Hi all,

I know if baby doesn’t sleep, it can be hard for parents!

As sb1201 said, if your son sleeps through the night at 5pm till the next morning, it may be just his schedule. If not, I would definitely change it! When my elder daughter was 3-month old, I read this book to start her sleep training and it works really well! And now, my elder daughter is 28-month and she is still having one nap, between 2 to 3 hours. My little one is 5-month and I use the same method and it works quite well too.

Sometimes my elder one won’t sleep after an hour or so I put her down and recently I found out that she may be overtired. The book mentions that if baby is overtired, they cannot fall asleep easily. Just like us, adults, if we are too tired, it takes a long time to fall asleep. So I have tried to put her to bed earlier (before 12:30pm) and for these few days, she seems falling asleep within 15 minutes.

What time does your son get up in the morning? Try to give him some exercise in the morning. Sometimes I think mentally exercise (i.e. reading books, flash card, YBCR, Tweedlewink, etc) uses up even more energy! And routine is very important! My daughter usually goes to nap after lunch and she seems doing fine! But during weekend, it may be different because she has some class in the morning and that postpones her nap time.

Hope it helps