Has your child been interview or test for kindergarten?

It is a norm of private schools here in Peru to test the children to see if they can enter school. Maybe when kids enter first grade there was some login on this but in time, moms send their children earlier to school each time and now we have many private schools that have seen the buisiness in having their own preschool so the start with kids 2 or 4 ears old.
How is it in your area.
Has your child been ‘tested’ or interview? At what age.?
Thanks for sharing.

we just went for interview last saturday, to get into K1 at 3 yo next year. my daughter is now 25months old, she was asked to name pictures, of apple, cars, aeroplane, point at nose, mouth, eyes, tap feet and point at daddy, mummy.
stack blocks high up.
we dont know the results yet but will be going to a few more interviews.
at peru, what happens if you dont pass the interview? kindergartens are not compulsory in HK , but primary schools are. so, even if she didnt get into any kindergarten, she will get into primary schools alright when she turns 6.

gosh, little kids have to go thru interview to be accepted into schools? i hv not heard abt this in malaysia! thank god for that. this sounds like an interview to segregate kids in terms of their intelligence.

Here in malaysia, the preschools start accepting kids from 2yrs onwards. i sent my daughter to a preschool when she was 1yr 10mths.The teachers told me that she was too young so they told me as long as she obeys the teacher’s instruction she would be accepted. They told if any of the kids cry or show tantrums they will not be accepted. the school gave us three days of trial,by the second day the principal called and told me she was accepted since she was very obedient…

few days later i saw another student around 5years old- did not go through any test or interview was accepted in the preschool…

i am not sure what s the whole idea of testing kids? after all how do u measure intelligence of every child? every child is different in their own way.

@ baba

totally agree with you. that’s why my first choice is a kindergarten that has no interview for kids, but on first come first serve basis. hubby jumped out from bed in the morning, rushed to the kindergarten as they open and applied. not sure if we get that one, they only take in 60 students.

all children learn at different rates, the point of interview, from kindergarten point of view is that, they want kids born in the beginning of the year, who are few months older, easier to teach. absorb more, grad and get into famous schools… and then good name for the kindergarten. like written in the book “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell, I hope I get his name right.

In Hong Kong, kids are required to have interview for most nurseries and kindergartens. Tough for them!


Well the test are for private schools and not for preschools except if the preschool is part of the school.
If a kid did no make it to kindergarten then in some situations (for example parents exalumni or other) they may be given a retest or 2nd chance for the same or for next year. If not then parents wil have to look for another school.
This is so cause there are a limit number of students and the school is wanted by many. I think that with my kids (25 yrs ago) we had a lot of tension, even more than applying to college or university. >:( >:(