My son is 2 years 4 months and I have no plans to send him to preschool anytime soon. Where we live it is very expensive. We are making a huge sacrifice just for me to stay home with him. Still, all his friends go to preschool and I sometimes feel guilty that we are not giving this to him. I do plan to homeschool him too so the other part of me doesn’t know why I should send him to preschool if I am not even going to send him to school.
I worry mostly about the social experiences he is missing out on. He can be shy. I was terribly shy as a kid so I don’t want him to suffer like I did. He does swimming lessons twice a week and goes to play groups once or twice a week. He doesn’t really have the chance to interact with kids at all during swimming lessons so I can’t count that as a social experience. So really he is around kids once maybe twice a week.
As far as other stuff goes I sometimes feel like we don’t do a lot of developmental stuff either. I talk to him/read to him a lot and I am teaching him to read. We go to the park occasionally. I don’t even get out the play dough very often because I always think dog hair is going to get in it. Uuck! I am pregnant and exhausted so if I can make dinner every night I tend to consider it a successful day.
I just wonder how do you think your child has benefited from going to preschool and if you didn’t send them what things did you do instead? Thanks for listening!
I read this article online which basically summed up what I have been telling myself on the subject: