Has anyone used MathTacular?


If so, what did you think?

No, but it looks great and now I want it! Sonlight has a great reputation and if it is affiliated with them, I would trust it. If some of the concepts are too detailed now, the kids will always grow into them.


I’ve not heard of Math-tacular until today, but after reading more about it and watching the sample videos, It seems to be just what I’ve been looking for. I have been using the Mathstart books to introduce math concepts to Ella, and I have been constantly surprised by her ability to grasp seemingly advanced (for her age, that is) concepts like multiplication, division, fractions, etc. when they are presented in a storybook fashion with real life examples demonstating these concepts. She simply loves these books and we have gone through most of the level 2 books by now. She has also watched Peter Weatherall’s videos for a long time now, and I think she is ready to move on to math videos with more “meat.” Like TmT said, if some of the concepts are beyond her at this point, she can always grow into them.

Thanks, Maquenzie, for posting! K to you. By the way, do you know of any coupon codes I can use when I order? Thanks again!

Seems great. I am exploring Math methods so that I can introduce it to my little girl. Hope this thing will help me…Tnx

i got mathacular and my kids like it . we all do . good to buy .

I’ve been watching posts about Math materials to buy and start with, beside LM, and this MathTacular sounds very interesting, beside MathStart, Kumon and others.
:slight_smile: I am thrilled that someone is telling me what’s out there - I’m all ears!

So I got MathTacular, and I can’t give a review because I really haven’t watched too much of it myself, my 3 1/2 yr old son has been watching it in the car. I will say though, that he is really enjoying it. Which surprised me a little because it’s not animated, not a lot of songs, or toddler type stuff. Just cool Math stuff. And he’s been intrigued. He keeps asking if we can go buy the counting bears and the blocks that are in the movie, so that we can do that kind of “math” in our learning time. The reason I got it initially was to help me figure out concepts to teach him and reinforce through the video. Now my problem is that he knows what he wants to learn, but I haven’t learned it yet. lol. I need to get that video out of the car and go through it one of these nights to learn the concepts. I am absolutely thrilled with his interest level, and I think this video is one of those types to help build that.

so - per my previous post - my son has been watching MathTacular in the car on the way to preschool and back, running errands, etc. Well tonight during learning time, we were actually doing reading, and I had made little cards with ch, th, sh, wh to help teach the fact that when those letters are together they make a different sound than c and h separated in a word (we’re working through the flesche cards) so I had tape on the back of them and they were sticking on the end of his bed. He started taking some off and saying, “now. if I take one away, you have two left!” and then “if I take two more away, you have zero left!” "if I put one back on… " you get the point. It was so great that he was “teaching” me math. I just loved it. We’ve never done a math worksheet or really focused on adding/subtracting. But he’s totally picked it up from MathTacular. I’ve been a little nervous on teaching Math, which is why I originally got the video to help me figure out ways to teach it. He’s known the quantity that the numbers represent for a while, and we’ve been working on counting forwards and backwards and putting dots on numbers to help represent the quantity, and hopefully help us when we start doing adding/subtracting. Looks like he may be more ready than I thought. Anyway, just wanted to share :slight_smile:

I am so broke because I just purhcased RightStart…having read this post, I want this DVDs too!!! lol

I just got done exploring the sites you all mentioned. I really could spend a fortune on these things. I am so looking forward to woring with my little one with math. Right now the dots bore him.


We absolutely love Mathtacular… Or should I say James does. He is so intensely into watching Justin. Personally the show annoys me, but it covers so many good math concepts that James is picking up.

Today I just discovered that Justin form Mathtacular does science DVDs. No idea how I missed this!
Has anyone watched them?


Has anyone found a program to use after completing the 2nd semester of LR? I wish BK offered a transitional program. We’ve been focusing on reading the books from Story Time, focusing on one/week rotation. Any other suggestions?

For building up decoding skills for multi syllable words, I use Hooked on Phonics Master Reader software. Video samples in my YouTube link below. There is also Destination Reading level 1 and 2 which I find to be just “okay” but I think you are probably looking for something more like TumbleBooks. The stories are read out loud as the words are highlighted on screen. They can also be accessed on iPad by selecting “iPad” in the language dropdown menu. There are public libraries that link access through their websites, so look around online. Www.EZTales.com (formerly mighty book jr), www.speakaboos.com and More Starfall (paid access) may be of interest to you, as well.

I looked at the review. What a fantastic mathematics programme.Any idea on how to get those mathacular dvds in Malaysia pr do they ship internationally. Thanks


I just ordered the science DVD level K since my son also loves Mathtacular. I will let you know if it keeps his interest.

Cayden really enjoyed the science DVD by Mathtacular. It is hosted by a different individual but same concept. The DVD is divided into three parts each consisting of numerous experiments from about 1-7 mins. We had a blast since all materials needed are common household items and we were able to expand and explore on our own. I just wish they had a list of materials so I could’ve gathered them before watching. Overall I am very pleased with the DVD not to mention the science vocab Cayden has picked up.

I been getting way too much lately but I got the MathTacular videos that have been talked about here. My 4 and 6 year old loved them. I put it on while I made dinner and it went longer than expected. They sat there for an hour watching this video and wanted to watch more after dinner. It is just those guys doing math problems so I’m surprised they like it so much. They are older than a lot of kids on here watching them but they really like them. I didn’t realize they did science ones too. They aren’t very excited about Peter Weatherall as I was hoping but I bet they would love those. The 2 year old had no interest in the video but that is fine she can watch it when she is older. I didn’t get to watch them myself to know what they are working on but I am hoping it just is a good introduction to stuff we will cover during math time and they got a good introduction to it. I’m guessing it was all stuff my 6 year old can do already but we will eventually get to stuff where she will be learning something.

This is really amazing math tacular. I saw this website and really good to teach our children maths with different product. I have a rainbowresource math tacular website which generates a best mathematics knowledge in your child’s mind.