Has anyone used eMedia My Violin software?

My kids got violins for Christmas. They’re 4 and 7. Lessons will cost $190 a month. I’m already paying a lot for piano lessons. Have you used My Violin by eMedia to teach your kids violin? I was thinking if it’s good, I could start off with that and not have to worry about the cost of lessons for a year or so. I was also thinking about maybe having my younger child take lessons and then teach the same things to my older child. Has anyone used the software or do you have any suggestions? Thanks.

Karma for the link! I haven’t used it, but it looks very promising. What was it people were saying about this forum costing a fortune? My wish list grows…

I have not heard of it but my 3yo just started Suzuki Violin Lessons and the way that works (or should work if you get a teacher who follows the method properly) is that you learn at the same time or even prior to your child so that your child wants to learn because they see you doing it. So when you ask about one child having lessons for now, that could really work because you could teach your other child from what you are learning.

I really like philosophy of Suzuki violin because it aims to give children a love of music and their instrument which should be a motivating factor from the start. My girl has not got to the stage of making ‘music’ yet but is so keen to because she has been to a recital and has observed other young children having lessons.


I believe Heath has this, she has not been on the forum in a while so I don’t know if she is still using it or what her experience has been. Maybe you can PM her and ask her.

I have the My Piano DVD version. It’s basically the same thing as the piano software version but it doesn’t have the ability to listen to you play correctly or incorrectly if I remember. I emailed the creator at one point. I should pull it out again and watch it, I only put it on once and did NOT watch it all of the way through. Quite honestly, my gut reaction was “Wow. The most boring piano lessons in the world are now in my living room!” I feel so disrespectful saying that now :blush: but that was my reaction at the time. I think it would be a lot better with midi connection and the package says ages 5+, I think that has a lot to do with it, too. My kids were too young (and probably still are), it was not exciting enough for them . Plus, we didn’t have the interactive USB part of it, so maybe it’s not a fair assessment. They would probably do better with in a few years, but we’ll hopefully be beyond this introductory level by then. I only paid $15 or something so I can’t complain too much!


Anyway, that was our experience with the piano version. Here’s a video of the violin version for anyone who is curious.


No i haven’t. We had the privilege of being able to take violin lessons at a Suzuki academy and although we are not affiliated with them any longer I believe they played a tremendous role in how my daughter has learned violin. I took classes as well. it is not mandatory but advisable.

My daughter is 8, she started to play when she was 4 - she will play for the first time -side by side- with the professional symphony orchestra in a concert this coming Saturday - needless to say we are very proud- now that being said it was not easy and it has ups and downs like everything related to children education. But I must say that I honestly believe that it is impossible or better said very unlikely that a child can learn without live instruction. I was told one in a seminar that a child needed to pay attention to 18 different variables when playing just one note. Piano is different you press the key sound will come relatively accurate (depending on piano tuning) but with violin is not just when or where press, is the finger position and not just that one finger, all of them, the angle of the wrist, the arm, the head even the feet. The amount of pressure, the length of time, the amount of hair used ( hair from the bow lol) … It is too complicated to be done cold turkey in fron of a tv while the violin scratches ( that’s all u will get the first year ) therefore do not expect immediate rewards from the music point of view.

Suzuki is famous because it places the kid in an win win all cover support system, where the teacher is teaching you as much as the children about the importance of having stress free lessons, therefore they teach parents so we vcan experience at first hand how difficult it is to coordinate all the variables at once, they also place a heavy weight in group classes which are set up as a place where your child will be taught and celebrated all the time, therefore kids are motivated to come back again and again. Google the method. They are the most famous and reliable method in my humble opinion, if thought for a few years kids are able to join any school and carry on with progress. But the beginning is crucial to get a kid to love or hate music.

Only problem with Suzuki they delay reading music until book 3 typically but we started and the transition was ok, remember they already have the perfect pitch in their heads and they are great at memorizing stuff so if they are motivated correctly it does not take too much time. Again it all comes back to the teaching and the support at home. Not pressure or nagging pls. :slight_smile:

Having only just embarked on the Suzuki violin journey your post was encouraging.

Trying to keep lessons fun and pressure free can be tough! We’ve not yet put bow to string! Still practicing bow hold - agree I wouldn’t have known how difficult it was if I wasn’t told to practice it myself too. I think DVDs might be useful to motivate and add another dimension but agree its not a fullsubstitute. I have observed lessons of older children and have been amazed at the difference the slightest change in posture, a finger position on the bow, etc can make to the note sound, volume, ability to get the next note and so on. It’s possible to hearwhat errors a student makes in such areas by listening only - for the extremely experienced ear. That amazes me. Anyway…!

I hope the concert on Saturday goes well! Proud moments!!

Hi , has anyone used My violin dvds? Are they easy to follow? Can someone post a review please? Thanks.