Has anyone made the sensory quilts/books or tag quilts?

I have taught several children with tactile sensory books that were quilted using velcro, yarn, ribbon and so on. I forgot about this method until I saw a sensory book at our local Goodwill store. It reminded me that my infant would love to use this idea, even my toddler can use a velcro puzzle book. So I wanted to ask if anyone has made their own and if it worked for them? I also saw the tag blankets at the same store. Does anyone make these?

I plan on making both of my sons a sensory mat and book so I will post pictures as soon as I get them done.

I would really love to make one for my LO but not sure how to, is there a website that explains how to make one?

There is this book, still looking for a website. http://www.amazon.com/How-Make-Cloth-Books-Children/dp/0801983983

As soon as I make mine I will try to put the pattern on my website or post it here. The sensory tag blanket is easy to make. You can use a hand towel, baby blanket fleece, pillow case, etc. You will need 2 pieces of fabric i would say 20x20 piece, and ribbon, not silky but textured, cut into 2.5 inch pieces. on the front on one 20x20 piece sew the folded ribbon on using a base stitch or fabric glue, then take the 2nd piece of 20x20 right sides together leaving a hole to turn the pieces and then stitch. Make sure to stitch a small stitch over the ribbon to secure the pieces, then turn the pieces and stitch up the whole, or you can use a fabric glue and just glue the 20x20 pieces together the correct way.

To do a sensory mat you can use the ribbon to make loops for the teething rings to be held with. You can use different cookie cutters for the shapes. All kinds of fabrics and old toys can be used. I find all kinds of plastic, rubber toys that can be used. Remember using buttons is dangerous if they are not secured properly. You can add bubble wrap inside of a pocket that has been sewn shut, you can use a gingle bell that is secured by sewing it inside of a pocket that is shewn shut. Also you can recycle your kids old clothing that has pockets to place them on the sensory mat or quilt. There are tons of things you can do. For a quilt you can use an old blanet and a pillow case just stuff the pillow case with the old precut blanket and then stitch or glue up the side. Then add by hand or with the permenant fabric glue the items on. You can also cut out old zippers and then glue them to the sensory mat or quilt. For squeeky things i took the squeekers out of old stuffed animals.

There are tons of ideas that you can do. Look aorund the house I’m sure you will find everything you need.
The permenant fabric glue works wonders even after several washings. But if you decide to use pop up fabric pants they don’t hold up in the washer as good as expected with babies around.