has anyone followed "How Smart is Your Baby" from week 1? Teaching a newborn ...

I have read “How Smart is Your Baby” and was wondering whether any forum members followed the book from birth?

I’m not particularly keen on some sections eg. shining a torch in my baby’s eyes or blowing an airhorn to startle her.

Also - it seems hard to fit the activities in with the very short times she is actually awake. She’s currently feeding every 3 hours during the day and only really stays alert for about 15 minutes 2-4 times during the daytime at age 1 week. I know as she gets older I’ll be stretching out the awake time (I’m following a combination of the routines of Gina Ford and Tizzie Hall).

She has a black and white mobile, will be printing out B&W stimulation cards (from BrillBabies), the black & white checkerboard is 1/2 made …

If anyone has any suggestions or experiences of starting teaching their newborn I would appreciate it! I did try a search of the forum but didn’t find much (perhaps not searching with the correct key words).

I have not done the entire Doman progam with my four-month old. I definitely do not want to shine a bright light into his eyes. Loud noises scare him too much.

Texas Lady has done the program from birth, and her child is getting close to turning three.

Here is her blog:

My favorite post about infant stimulation comes from Pupsiek :slight_smile: :

Congratulations on having your baby!!! How old is she now? I didn’t even know that you had her! :slight_smile:


What is black & white checkerboard?


Hi Mtb
The first weeks of my daughter’s life were very quiet. She had a difficult birth and I felt like she needed this special first days to discover a peaceful and quiet world.
I actually had a lot of issues with meeting with family members or parents who would talk to her very loudly, constantly rock her, and shake toys near her when she was awake. So at the very very beginning, I was not keen on much of what Doman recomends. Maybe showing her some cards, very slowly and nicely, when she is cuddling in your arms. I was humming songs quietly and touching her a lot, and I figured that’s all she needed at that time.
ps: I do not think Doman recommend flashing the light into Baby’s eyes. There are exercises, the one when you turn the ceiling’s light on and off while he’s in the room/ The second is with a torch but the light shines on your hand which is near baby’s sight, so he can look for it.