has anybody started flashin words for kids above 2/3years???

hi all,
i would like to know how much would it help flashin the words after two years?if we had trained the baby with flash cards from 3months may be it would not be tough. but how are we to flash the words for kids above 2years or probably 3years who is not exposed to flash cards at all? will it work for kids above 3 years?will the kid be interested? has anyone tried starting doman way of training after 3years?
some of my friends tried, but their children were not at all interested and the parents stopped flashing!!

I started YBCR one and off with my son when he was just shy of two. Then I started flashcard with my son when he was 4 and he took to them very well. I did them while waiting in the car, just before bed of during meals. My son is now six and can sound words out using phonics, but he still loves to learn using flashcards. I actually had stopped using flashcards with him once he learned phonics, but then I saw a IAHP video of a mother using them with her 7 year old and started up again.

I flash cards at my 3 3/4 year old, but I do it within the scope of a phonics program. I printed out Daddude’s cards and put them on key rings and I flash them this way. I also took the Fleschcard ppts (thank you to the lady who put these together!) without pics and added words from the Sing, Spell, Read and Write program we have. I flash the ppt at my daughter while we eat breakfast or lunch. I think it helps in her instant recognition of words, because the more she has seen it the more instant recall she has. But the phonics helps her develop strategies for sounding out unfamiliar words in the long run. I noticed that with strict flashing - I started YBCR too late - she started guessing at words and this is a big no no according to a lot of experts.

I have done it with my four year, but never completely followed doman protocol with it. We are just finishing up a phonics program, and I’d love him to have better sight word knowledge, so I’m thinking of starting again soon.

We have Little Reader, and I’ve never been able to interest him much in it. Occasionally I can get him to hit the button for his sister.

But, he does enjoy being flashed big red words on paper (I used letter size cardstock, cut in half lengthwise). I’ve only done it with him for one set of words (family names), and not consistently. He can now probably read this words, though phonetically. He sounds everything out and is pretty slow. I think he will enjoy reading more as his sight word knowledge grows. And flashing words is pretty painless for all of us, so I plan to start again soon.

I think TracyR on this board has been very successful with her 4 (or 5?) year old daughter and the whole word method.

I was trying to figure out exactly what I’m doing with each kiddo.
(note: we are foster parents so don’t have any control over what they had before we got them so start at odd ages)

The 3yr old is the one I opened this thread about. He’s got some real delays which put him at a much lower level. I know he’s not ready for phonics as my previous 18month old got all the letter sounds from The Letter Factory but the 3yr old knows one or two. It’s been 3 months. Most kids I’ve done it with have gotten them all in a few weeks. On his psych eval, it showed him to have difficulty with part to whole. I wondered if sight words would be better for him period, but at least right now.

Though I’m doing DadDude’s with the older kids, I wonder if something more concrete like Doman (familiar nouns first) would make more sense for him.

I started my daughter with flashcards at the age of 4 yrs 4 months old. She does just fine with them.
We started with Your Baby Can Read, then we moved on to Brillkids, then added in some Monkisee to keep it interesting. First I wanted to get her attention and keep it. So I found using the videos first worked really well. Once we did that it became a routine that she has enjoyed ever since.
I use her potty time to keep her attention. You would be amazed how long a child can sit on a potty. LOL. No really she has medical problems so we do enemas. Adding in the learning to read while she sits on the pot has actually worked really well.

I find with 4 yr olds that repetition and being consistent works. Four year olds thrive off of consistency and routine. So you need to find a time when they are most cooperative. Whether it be in the morning, afternoon or before bed.

For a little while it seemed like my daughter had no interest in the flashcards and one evening I didn’t bring them out. She immediately asked me " Mommy, where are my words, you forgot my words?" So even when she doesn’t seem very interested she actually is.

Flash the cards fast and keep it short. You’ll also find with an older child they will learn the words much quicker. My daughter learns words every 2 to 3 days.

So yes, flashcards can be done with a child older than 2 or 3 and yes, it can be fun for them.

Here are a couple of videos I put on my blog. I need to update with some more :biggrin:


P.S I use the Doman flash method with her.

As for the poster that talked about guessing and experts. Well the experts don’t know it all. I have three other daughters whom I used phonics with and they all at some point quit using phonics to figure out words and began guessing. Now that I sit back and think about it , teaching just phonetically was a LOT of work only to have them around the age of 7 to start guessing words. That being because when we read we do not sound out each word that we read one sound at a time. We just read it. So children eventually figure this out and want to just read instead of the whole laborious task of sounding out each individual sound just to figure out the word. Don’t get me wrong. Its very important for a child to be able to figure out a word using phonics. But eventually they just drop it when they figure out that its just to much darn work. LOL!

I’m finding that teaching Maggie to read first, she is figuring out words on her own and has no problem sounding out words when I stop and ask her to. I’ve yet to do a phonics program with her yet.

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