Happy Mother's Day to wonderful mothers!

Here is a little poem, that I thought was so sweet and true with wishes to have a wonderful Mother’s Day, everyone!

She could not paint, nor write, nor rhyme

Her footprints on the sand of time,

As some distinguished women do;

Just simple things of life she knew—

Like tucking little folks in bed,

Or soothing someone’s aching head.

She was no singer, neither blessed

With any special loveliness

To win applause & passing fame;

No headlines ever blazed her name.

But, oh, she was a shining light

to all her loved ones, day & night!

Her home was kingdom, she its queen;

Her reign was faithful, honest, clean,

Impartial, loving, just, to each

And every one she sought to teach.

Her name? Of course, there is no other

In all the world so sweet—just Mother!

nice poem, thanks for sharing :smiley: