Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

Happy Mother’s Day to all wonderful moms!
Dear dads, don’t forget to make this day special for your mates! :wink:
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi all

The day is still ahead, but I just want to add that on any day at any time we all deserve a gentle pat for what we do for the family :slight_smile:

Here is my favorite quote that sums up;

Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends - but only one mother in the whole world.

  • Kate Douglas Wiggin

Kudos to all the moms and God answer all your prayers,

Beautiful quote, here is one for fun
(why kids need mothers)

With the young mother busy elsewhere in the house, the father had undertaken the task of feeding little Becky in her highchair. The sloppy procedure went along about as expected, & after various starts, half-starts & accidents, he finally called out to his wife, “Becky just finished the strained prunes, but I think she wants some more. Should I give her a second coat?” :biggrin:

Here is a more meaningful one for the day :slight_smile:

 I think ofttimes as the night draws nigh
Of an old house on the hill,
Of a yard all wide & blossom-starred
Where the children played at will.
And when the night at last came down,
Hushing the merry din,
Mother would look around & ask,
"Are all the children in?"

"Tis many & many a year since then,
And the old house on the hill
No longer echoes to childish feet,
And the yard is still, so still.
But I see it all as the shadows creep,
And though many the years have been,
Even now, I can hear my mother ask,
"Are all the children in?"

I wonder if, when the shadows fall
On the last short, earthly day,
When we say goodbye to the world outside,
All tired with our childish play,
When we step out into that Other Land
Where mother so long has been,
Will we hear her ask, as we did of old,"Are all the children in?"

And I wonder, too, what the Lord will say,
To us older children of His,
Have we cared for the lambs? Have we showed them the fold?
A privilege joyful it is.
And I wonder, too, what our answers will be,
When His loving questions begin:
"Have you heeded My voice? Have you told of My love?
Have you brought My children in?"

What a beautiful poem, Nikolett :smiley:

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

yes yes yes…Happy mother day TO US!!!cheers

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL. A day to celebrate the love we have for our mothers, grandmothers, any woman who makes a difference in or lives, and most of all OURSELVES. It will be my very first Mother’s Day. Ah…time flies. I feel all grown up. :tongue: lol

Happy Mother’s Day to all! It’s my first Mother’s Day and I’m very happy! :biggrin:

Happy Mother’s Day to all :smiley: :smiley:

Thank you for the poem, Nikolett. It is beautiful, like all of the moms out there.

We all have an amazing and tough job teaching our children to become the best that they can be.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate on the 10th!
When I started this thread I didn’t realize
not every country has it on the same day :slight_smile:
I’ll celebrate twice!!! :tongue:

So it might be appropriate to dig out a few more poems, feel free to add :wink:

She could not paint, nor write, nor rhyme
Her footprints on the sand of time,
As some distinguished women do;
Just simple things of life she knew–
Like tucking little folks in bed,
Or soothing someone’s aching head.

She was no singer, neither blessed
With any special loveliness
To win applause & passing fame;
No headlines ever blazed her name.
But, oh, she was a shining light
to all her loved ones, day & night!

Her home was kingdom, she its queen;
Her reign was faithful, honest, clean,
Impartial, loving, just, to each
And every one she sought to teach.
Her name? Of course, there is no other
In all the world so sweet--just Mother!
--May Allread Baker

You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels & coffers of gold;
Richer than I you can never be–
I had a mother who read to me.

I have so many I’d like to share…

A mother is a woman who decorates her life with babies.

“How much do babies cost?” said he
The other night upon my knee;
And then I said; "They cost a lot;
A lot of watching by a cot,
A lot of sleepless hours & care,
A lot of heart-ache & despair,
A lot of fear & trying dread,
And sometimes many tears are shed
In payment for our babies small,
But everyone is worth it all.

"For babies people have to pay
A heavy price from day to day--
There is no way to get one cheap.
Why, sometimes when they're fast asleep
You have to get up in the night
And go & see that they're all right.
But what they cost in constant care
And worry, does not half compare
With what they bring of joy & bliss--
You'd pay much more for just a kiss.

Happy Mother’s Day!


You taught me everything
And everything you’ve given me
I always keep it inside
You’re the driving force in my life, yeah

There isn’t anything
Or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn’t feel right
If I didn’t have you by my side

You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were gray

Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me

And no one else can be what you have been to me
You will always be you always will be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama you’re the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin’ you is like food to my soul
Yes it is (5x)

You’re always down for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did

And you took up for me
When everyone was downin’ me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on

There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything

And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You’ll always be
You will always be the girl in my life


Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinking of you
I’ll never go a day without my mama


-Boyz 2 Men

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful moms here!
I’m attaching a beautiful power point presentation dedicated to us, enjoy!

Happy mothers day to all!!!
it was a wonderful day for me my son wished me -“happy mothers day mummy” & gave me nice hug… my hubby brought pastries for me… :biggrin: :biggrin:

I had a wonderful Mother’s Day again! We all went out together, had picnic lunch, played ball and Frisbee and enjoyed an ice-cream!
I think this is the end of this thread this year :wink:

This was my first Mother’s Day :smiley: I had a great time with all my family including my mom and my aunts that came to visit. It was kind of funny to think that now I was a mom. :laugh:

Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!!! :slight_smile:

Only One Mother

Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together,
Hundreds of birds that go singing by,
Hundreds of lambs in the sunny weather,
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the world wide over.

Happy Mother’s Day to All Great Moms…