ha ha ha...my little turkey

I just thought I’d share a funny story with you.

My boy (almost 16 months) spoke his very first sentence last night.

I was trying to put him down to sleep and it wasn’t going as well as it usually does. I had tried walking him, listening to his cd, letting him crawl all over me in hopes that he’d get comfortable…finally I brought out my song and “magnificent” singing voice ;). Singing to him over and over he finally voiced his thoughts…and his FIRST sentence…noun AND verb…“Mommy shhh”! The little turkey!

Needless to say, I stopped singing and he fell asleep within moments.

OHHHH Congratulations!!! I know how you feel it is excited listen their first words. I have a 16 months old baby and she always has something to say. They are so adorable!!! I wish they could be babies forever… :smiley: