H1N1 Vacination?

The vacination is not currently available in my area, and I’m not sure what I would do if it was available. Your thoughts?

My dad’s friend is a doctor and had to receive the vaccine to continue working in the hospital. A few days ago he thought he was having a stroke. He had a numbness in his face. He went to the hospital and they determined that he did not have a stroke. It is a result of the vaccine. He is suffering from Bell’s Palsey. They don’t know if he will ever be the same again. He cannot close his left eye. He has to put drops in it ever few hours and wear a patch to sleep. They are afraid it may damage the cornea. He is having trouble swollowing as well. This was a big strong, healthy guy. These are affects of the H1N1 vaccine.

Oh I believe it Krista G. Thats just so scarey they would force him to take it. He should sue the hospital for making him take it

My daughter (2 1/2 yrs old) got both the flu + H1N1 vaccines last week. They ran out of vaccines, so I will get myself, 6 yr old son, and husband vaccinated once more becomes available. A family friend is in ICU with H1N1 and pneumonia and might not survive. He has kids too. I’m more afraid of H1N1 than the vaccine.


There really no guarantee that vaccine will protect you + will not cause harm ( these vaccines are experimental, they only had a very limited numbers of tests, and even the companies producing them, put measures in action to protect themselves from the law suites, because they expect those).

If taking a vaccine will be a sure way to protect your child or yourself from the flu, each caring parent will do that, of course, regardless of how expencive it is. The misconseption is that the vaccine will protect you. Yes, there is a chance you might not get it, but it is the same chance ( in fact smaller), as if you are not putting live virus from vaccine into your body to cause the unnatural reaction.

In fact you have more chances to not get it if you will take a better care of your child’s and yours physical body, making sure you have high vit D levels, proper diet, wash your hands, do not go to crowded and potentially risky places, etc.

Even if you do not have access to actual researchers who work with vaccines and study them, simple experiment – ask personell working in nearby hospital for their personal experiences with flu re-lapses among their own vaccinated personell, you will see people actually getting second and third relapses of flu-like simptoms, and when tested they come with positive strains…

Well for me the vaccine is more scarey. I have a 4 year old that was damaged by a vaccine when he was 18months. A perfectly functioning child that was learning to speak, after one day gets a shot, the a fever and the next day turned into a non verbal autistic child. I have worked years to get my son out of his own little world back to ours. There is no way I’m putting a experimental vaccine into my son’s system that could possible take him away from me again. H1N1 is dangerous, but the vaccine was created for the strain that went through Mexico this spring. The thing with the flu is it mutates. So not only are people putting a vaccine that has had ONLY limited testing into their children whos brains are not fully developed, this vaccine may and will most likely not work. As well I think it gives people a false sense of security.

Very good point, waterdreamer! So sorry about your son, how is he doing now?

My son is doing very well now. He is in intensive therapy(36hours a week) and we finally got him back. He’s learning to express himself with his words and his behaviors are becoming more age appropriate.
However it was a long road. I spent many nights crying because he had been such a handful through out the day. Wondering what I had done wrong as a parent to have such a misbehaved child. Then he was diagnosised and I looked back through my daily journal and realized that day one he got vaccine, that night high fever. Day two not using words and seemed sick, from then on not the same child.
I believe vaccines have a time and a place. I’m not anti-vaccine. Please don’t get me wrong. But I find it fishy that in the late 1980’s when I was vaccinated we received about 12 shots by the age of two and autism was almost unheard of. Now a days children receive 36 shots by 2 and autism is 1-150. When I have more children I will vaccinate but it will be on a delayed schedule, either waiting till there older or vaccinating for the more serious conditions, but more spaced out. I still have to do more research on this before I decided. For now my son will not receive anymore vaccines till he has lost his diagnosis(which he is close to doing) and he is atleast 7 years old(the brain is 90% developed by then)
Thank-you for asking Skylark

waterdreamer had mentioned 36 shots by age 2…

I havent heard of giving so much vaccines in such small age… May be the vaccine shots varies from country to country.

In our country it is normal to give only these: 15 vaccine shots as follows and here i hv never heard of autism due to vaccines. i will never get for me or child h1n1 vaccine, instead i will be careful not to contract.

Birthday - oral polio vaccine
1st saturday after birth - BCG
6weeks - HIB 5 in 1 plus opv
10 weeks - 5 in 1 plus opv
14 weeks 5 in 1 plus opv
9 months - measles
15 months - MMR
18months - 4 in 1
2 years - typhoid
5 years opv plus dpt mmr
9 years HPV
9 years 60 days HPV
p and half years HPV
10 years TT
15 years Tt and MMR

That is all.

Pneumococcal and chicken pox and jaundice vaccines are only optional.

I have gotten my child 1st shot of pneumococcal. But after seeing this post, I wont take him for second and third.

My sister actually just got her PhD in Immunology (I’m very proud of her) and if she can’t convince me that the vaccine is a good idea, no one could. I’ve never had any flu, and am, other than being pregnant, very low risk. Most of my family has chosen not to get the vaccine. My sister had no choice because she works in a hospital. She doesn’t seem very confident in its efficacy, but has no concerns about the safety. According to her it’s made the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine, just with the H1N1 virus, the risk of serious side effects from the seasonal flu vaccine is about 1 in 1,000,000 and the H1N1 should be about the same.

As waterdreamer mentioned, this vaccine is being made from the spring version, and the virus has likely mutated. Being vaccinated will offer protection to people with very strong immune systems regardless of the mutation, but may not offer much protection to those with weaker immune systems. Creating “killer cells” to recognize one thing and being exposed to another may not help much unless the immune system is strong enough to throw all resources at the invading virus. The cells created by the vaccine will kill the virus if it recognizes it, or attacks it anyway.

The real risk of H1N1 is developing pneumonia. In 1918 that’s what killed most people who got the disease. Thankfully we have all sorts of medicines available to treat pneumonia, and even if we have an outbreak of that scale again, there will be significantly fewer deaths.

It’s funny, on the news today they announced that they will start to test the safety of the H1N1 vaccine. Isn’t that something they should do before they give it to millions of people?

Hi mirra
Actually MMR is three vaccines wrapped in one shot Measles mumps and rubella. So since your child had that shot 3 times its you actually have to count it as 9 vaccines. The 5 in one is 5 vaccines(virus) your child had that 3 times so you must count that as 15 vaccines.

Ahh you are right waterdreamer :D… I didnt count this way :slight_smile: But 36 vaccines till they are 15.

Birthday - oral polio vaccine 1 vaccine
1st saturday after birth - BCG 1 vaccine
6weeks - HIB 5 in 1 plus opv Hib(1vaccine), 5in 1(5vaccines) opv(1 vaccine)
10 weeks - 5 in 15 vaccines plus opv1 vaccine
14 weeks 5 in 15 vaccines plus opv1 vaccine
9 months - measles1 vaccine
15 months - MMR3 vaccines
18months - 4 in 14vaccines
2 years - typhoid1vaccines
Your child had 30 vaccines by the age of three, plus alot of people are pushed into the flu shot(first year is 2 vaccines, second 1) plus chicken poxs, and out here we also get a shot for mennigtsis(i believe its in 2 shots)


I am not planning to vaccinate for all the reasons mentioned above…
I just came back from Ukraine where the “pandemic” is on it’s way. Leaving at the train station the situation seemed surreal - people in masks, loudspeakers warning to not come in contact with people who seem sick (like I might expect dying people collapsing on the floor in front of me) and to alert the personnel etc,etc. In the city of 4 million of a country of over 40 million people with under 100 deaths, where is the perspective? 10-15 people die every new day and now one of the neighboring countries closed its borders…

Nikolett, wait for the sun. All will be fine. You dont think you will be in one of h1n1 cases. You will be one among the millions who didnt contract. During sunny days or where there is lots of sun, the virus doesnt spread much.

Every pandemic loses its potential after 2 seasons.

no, I don’t think it will be us lol
I just don’t understand the reasons to panic (besides helping to sell vaccines >:( )